I’ve been scratching my head trying to think of different ways to do this. The problem I keep coming up with is if I miss a day of reading due to ‘life’ it would throw my week off in the organizer. That is assuming I added in the books individualy and chose to do American History M,T — Geog/Bible Wed and World History T, F. If I add in the Guide then there is no record of the books we actually read.. only a record that we went through the guide.
Am I missing something? Or is there a better way to use the SCM History/Geog/Bible with the CM Organizer?
I have a high schooler next year and I want to be able to print out all he has read/done, so if/when we need this information in the future I don’t have to go and create a form for it.
Hi Christy – I just let the guide direct me, so I schedule that. Then if life throws me off, we’re still okay. I did try to schedule certain days like you mentioned and it was a big headache. It was easier to follow the guide.
That said, I also listed the books we used and scheduled them for Saturday…then any day that we used them I just clicked on Resources Not Scheduled for Today, clicked on the title of the book, and marked as appropriate. It kept the record for the days we used it, it showed the amount of resources used in our records, but scheduling it that way kept me from feeling pressure of seeing the books listed and not used everyday in my checkoff list.
I scheduled the guide AND the books – but I scheduled all of them for all the school days…. so I didn’t have (for example) Bible on MT, Geography W, History ThF…. I had them all M-F.
But the way Sheraz did it would work out good too…
There was a recent discussion on this btw…. some people just schedule the guide and don’t schedule all the books as well… so that is another option.
I schedule the guide and the books. You could do a Sat. thing like sheraz mentioned or a M-F type of thing where they’re always available to click Worked On or whatever. I tried just scheduling the guide but I prefer “seeing” what we are doing for Geo/Bible also.
Yes, you can see and print your day…. but you would need to check the guide quickly to see which history/bible/geography book you need.
If you scheduled all the history/bible/geography books M-F, then what you do is click the little triangle on the books you DON’T need to “close that book up” for the day. any resources you close up like that are not printed on the daily to-do-list.
If you scheduled all the history/bible/geography books for S, then what you do is click on “Show resources not scheduled today”, then click on the “closed” resource for the resource you DO need. It will print just fine on your daily to-do-list.
And of course, for either method you picked – doing the steps I mentioned above, you would see them on the screen.
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