I’m working on the scheduling for next year. I want my 7th grader to go all the way through this book in one year (long story but I may not be homeschooling for her 8th grade year). It has more lessons than weeks, so I can’t just go by one lesson a week. Any suggestions? Do you do all the exercises?
AO schedules it 2 lessons/week until week 27 and then backs off to one lesson/week.
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I wouldn’t feel bad about spreading it over 2 years though.
If you are sure your child understands the concept, then you don’t need to do every sentence. We would often choose a few, like the evens or the odds, to do. Oh, and it is OK to do parts orally. We often did everything orally except the diagramming. Do watch, when you are assigning which ones to do, to make sure you get a variety–sometimes you have to look at the exercises to make sure you get an example of each thing the lesson covered.
Thank you Bookworm, I’m not sure I would have ever thought of doing a few from each exercise (my brain is running on slow lately…can I blame the pregnancy??).
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