How do you keep track of what curriculum you have ? And how do you store curriculum when not in use

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating How do you keep track of what curriculum you have ? And how do you store curriculum when not in use

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    I’m thinking of making a list of everything and what it is used for including literature books, i’m trying to decide between a spread sheet and just writing it up.  I have my books in rubber maid tubs, but I definitely need a better way of storing things.  Ideas?  The nearest Ikea is an hour a way, but we do have a K-Mart and a Wal Mart.


    I just keep everything I have on bookshelves organized by topic. I don’t have it written anywhere, though that would be nice!!!  If I had more kids, maybe that would feel more necessary to me. I have one section for science, one for poetry/Shakespeare, one for homeschool encouragement/how-to, etc.  I have another spot for actually curriculums that I buy ahead or will be re-using w/another child (math: teacher books/dvds, writing curriculums, etc.)  Literature I just store alphabetically on the shelves.  History I organize by time period….starting w/ancients and ending w/modern w/no regards for age levels.  I have another spot on shelves for books we are using the current school year.  Hope that doesn’t sound confusing:) We use stackable rubber maid drawers (8 1/2 by 11 drawers) for the kids to have easy access to current years books (well ds does, dd does school in her room now and has a decorative storage cube for her books:) I can usually find what I need or figure out what I have pretty quickly. Hope you find a system that works well for you:)


    I keep it organized on bookshelves by topic – and if it has a DVD or other smaller type books, I use a magazine box to corral those. I just label it that topic. Those are at the end of a subject, so I automatically know where my subjects are divided.

    For storing our required portfolio work, I use big 3 inch 3 ring binders with pretty labels on them.  I have put tab dividers inside to keep the years (not the subjects) separate. 

    I have the reading books and literature on shelves – my goal is either to alphabetize or do the Dewey decimal system. 

    I have to periodically just sit and look at my shelves to remind myself what I have so that I don’t keep buying the same subjects over and over.  LOL  Literature duplicates are okay, but I don’t need 15 MUS books on the same level. 

    I have tried to create a Master List, but find it difficult to maintain right now.  My library tracking system program I bought needs to be figured out, but I have a hard time finding the time needed.  Probably the day the last kiddo leaves home, right?


    I was keeping curriculum on shelves in a closer. But, it is now housed on shelves in the storage building in our backyard. We are turning it into a Homeschool library. I’ve sorted curriculum by subject and then by grade level within thd subject if grade levels apply (like math or grammar books that others have donated to the library.)

    Literature is sorted by Dewey Decimal for nonfiction and Alphabetically by author’s last name for fiction.

    I refer to book list like the SCM Free Curriculum Guide and All Through the Ages, by Christine Miller as I prepare each year’s book lists. But, I don’t group them that way in the library. I do pull the books our family is using off the shelves and keep them in the house until we are finished with them.




    Thank you ladies!!!  Can you tell i’m in an organizing/simplifying frenzy?


    Sheraz–your method sounds really simple, I definitely plan to invest in some taller bookshelves as soon as finances permit.

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