How do you ease into the school year?

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  • Katrina in AK

    As I am writing out our weekly schedule for this year, I am a bit overwhelmed at jumping all into school at once (allegedly starting tomorrow!). How do you start out the year? All subjects at once? One or two a week? (My boys are 5 and 7)


    I start with Bible and Math, and then add one-two subjects per week until we’re at a full load. It takes about a month, but I feel much less overwhelmed, and it seems easier on my kiddos.


    We start with our morning reading times and one or two other subjects, and then just add a few things each week.


    Some years we’ve done 1/2 days to start.  Day 1 in my plans would be done on Mon. & Tues., Day 2 on Wed. & Thurs., Day 3 on Fri. & Mon., etc.  After a couple weeks of this, we try to move to full days.

    Other years, we’ve started with the basics and added more as the year progressed.  At first, we’d work on 3Rs plus history and Bible.  The next week, we might add science and poetry.  Eventually we work up to a full schedule.  

    I’m not sure what we’ll be doing this year, but I need to decide soon!  Surprised


    What a great idea!  Thank you for sharing.  I love this idea of easing back into it instead of trying to do it all the first week.  I think my kids and I would adjust much better.  🙂


    I usually begin full force in early August, but I actually started on Tuesday. We got 2 days completed. We will be camping next week, and then the following week, my dd is having surgery on her eyes. So, I thought it would be nice to get a few days in before camping. We did the main subjects, but it was light. This week I would like to get 2 more days completed. Maybe we will do a day or two before the surgery. This will give us a head start and then after the surgery, it won’t set us back if we take time off for recovery. It does not feel like school time until after our week of camping, so I am not going to do it every day until after that, and it will not be intense.


    We ease into it, too.  We did a day….took many days off.  Did 10 days…..took some time off.  (Those were swimming lesson days, so they weren’t all book-work-type school days.)  We did 3 days this past week.  This coming week, NO SCHOOL!!!  The week after, I hope to go full-swing.  It depends on what I end up canning and “putting up”.

    I try to keep our Together Time (Bible memory, Bible read-aloud, Hymn singing) adn a family read aloud going all year ’round.  Then when I decide to start easing in to school, I just say we’re doing ONE more thing…..and then before you know it, we’re doing most of it!

    I LOVE homeschooling!!! I used to teach, and I loved teaching school.  But teaching your own is so much better!!!

    Faith R Miller

    Perfect timing for this post as we plan to start tomorrow. I was debating on jumping in or taking it easy. Think we’ll just ease into it after reading this.


    Well I wish I had read this last week. We started last Monday with a full schedule and they were long, tough days. I see where I need to do some tweaking though. We are doing the Prairie Primer and really enjoying that, but everything else was hard to get back to.


    I do a “run through” day with my children — I tell them I want to run through the new school routine – I warn them before we do it, and continue to update them while we’re going through the day.  At the end (or in the middle, if I have to) I ask them for suggestions or make comments to them that “this didn’t seem to work.  What would work better” and that sort of thing.  It can take me two or three “run through” days of school to see which routine works for us.

    Even then, we mess with the routine if we have to, in the middle of the year.  Whatever it takes to make it flow and work for all of us!

    Katrina in AK

    Thanks for your feedback. Karen, I love the idea of a few “run through” days; even though my guys are younger, they still like having input.

    So, we opted for easing in this morning. History, Bible, a little bit of math, scripture memory, hymn study, and literature. Fairly painless. Thanks for everyone’s help. 🙂


    Part of my reason for doing a run-through as part of our “easing” into school is to try to see who can work at what independtly.  This year, I have two girls doing 1st grade math (at different points – one is at the beginning, one in the middle) so I needed to see if I could manage that.  I also needed to see if my oldest could work independtly at some things while I was working with the others.  And I wanted to see what the youngest was going to do while I was helping others.

    Usually, I’m very up front with them about the run through.  They know it counts as a school day, they know we try desperately to get the whole thing done.  I have a general idea how long each time box is, (some time boxes are 15minutes, some longer), but doign the run-through just helps us all, I think.

    Oh, and my girls are 9,7,5,3 – so they’re young.  But they can tell me (words or actions) whether things are working or not.

    I have found that too many run-throughs put them in a bad humor, though! So I try to have it figured out and then one run through and one edit and one last “run through” – after that it needs to be real school.   And the changes can’t be drastic, or we’re all messed up and can’t remember what we liked and didn’t like – or why!

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