How do you do chores?


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  • ruth

    Ever since we moved chores have just stopped.  I don’t really know what happened.  I can’t even think on how we did chores before we moved, it escapes me.  I reread Managers of their Chores to try to get inspired again and that didn’t work.  I was hoping that seeing how others do their chores I might get motivated somehow to reinstate chores.  The kids really need it, they have developed a very entitled attitude which has not been a problem before.  I was also wondering if the new Laying Down the Rails would help with the attitude problems as well.  I would really appreciate some insights on how you all do chores in your home.  TIA.


    I’ve done a whole blog series on chores and our chore journey. It starts here and has links to each post in the series:


    My kids are 11, 9, 8 & 6. They each have several chores in the morning before school such as feeding dogs, fish and bunny, wiping bathroom sink, making beds, and filling bird feeders or watering plants depending on the time of year. Then after lunch they each have one thing; clear table, put dishes away, sweep floor & shake rugs. On certain days the girls do their laundry so then they have to fold & put it away & the boys do theirs on two other days. They do that in afternoon or evenings. Picking up at night and on weekends they have cleaning chores. Rooms, bathrooms, dusting and vacuuming as needed.

    And the oldest three rotate Monday thru Thursday doing dishes with the youngest in training. So one of them has to do it twice a week. I do them Friday, Saturday, & Sunday.

    Extra stuff like shoveling snow which my 9 year old has loved to do since he was 3, they can earn money by doing. Also doing dishes for me on one of “my” days earns money too.



    Thanks Tristan, that’s exactly the type of motivation I needed.  That and getting off the computer and being more present, which is something I realized I have a problem with after I first posted. 


    Funny, I can relate to this! Housework stopped after we moved also…wonder how this happens.  Probably because the layout of the house is different and there is less to clean now.  @Kristen, I like the idea of paying them to do my portion of the housework…

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