How do you do Bible/Scripture?

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  • Kate Mom of 1

    this is the only part of planning that I’m struggling with. Other than Sunday School and Women of the Word classes at church (and discussing them as she brings it up), bedtime prayers, and bringing up any verse of Scripture that is particularly relevent to our season of life,  I’ve never done anything else for Bible study or religion with my daughter. Is there a order you suggest I go in, or anything else I should add to Bible reading?  Any suggestions for kid’s devotionals?  



    We used SCM’s History guides starting with the Ancients the past couple of years,  so that was a our bible every day starting in Genesis. If you aren’t following an ancient history guide, I still suggest starting in the book of Genesis and working your way through the Old Testament. Just simply reading God’s word slowly and discuss together. I personally read a book in my quiet time, take notes, then I’m prepared to share what the Lord has helped me to understand. I read KJV so having to look up definitions in the Webster’s 1828 dictionary really helps to give understanding to the scriptures.

    My girls are 9, 7, and 5. Last school year we read the NT Matt-Acts, so now we are going through the letters in the NT and really growing together. It’s amazing what little ones can understand. We just read one chapter per day in the a.m. right after breakfast with singing hymns and scripture memory. 

    I also suggest reading Widsom and the Millers to study the book of Provebs. Other than that I really think just reading the bible without anyone’s interpretation is best. Smile



    Kate Mom of 1

    That sounds great, thank you! our busy schedules with me working full time, my daughter in public school, and my DD having medical issues, my personal devotional times got pushed to the side.  This is the perfect oppurtunity to start again 🙂  

    My DD is 8, so about the age of your girls 🙂 The more plans are falling into place the more excited I’m becoming for our new adventure! 


    I agree.  If you want simplicity, you can use the SCM guide and read through the bible together as part of your day. And the Miller books are great for character building books.  I also love the Scripture Memory system on this site.  We addionally  use Hymns for a Child’s Heart (think that’s the name!) to simplify our hymn study.  We just pick a hymn, read the story of it, and sing together until we know pretty well. It doesn’t take long and I like that it’s laid out for me.  It comes w/a cd. Blessings:) Gina

    P.S. For yourself on a busy schedule, Jesus Calling is a great devotional.  Readings only take a few minutes, but really speak peace into my life.


    We do a few things (my kids are 11, 7, 6, 4, 3, 1, and 5 mos). We read together a few times a day. Right now we are reading from cover to cover but have also done topics in the past. We belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints so our scriptural cannon includes the Bible and the Book of Mormon too. We’re spending this summer reading The Book of Mormon and planned a pizza party to celebrate at the end of the summer with 2 other homeschool families who are reading it too. Each day we read 6 pages. With so many little ones that means we break it up and read 2-3 pages at a time, reading several times a day. Breaking it up in shorter chunks makes it possible to really talk about what we’re reading too. We’ll work through the Bible when we finish this, though we may change how much we’re reading page-wise.

    We also listen to scripture in audio book format some days during quiet time or at bedtime.

    Another thing we do is memorize scriptures. Daily repeating it together until we all have it, then we learn another verse.

    Music and hymns are another wonderful way to pour scripture into our families lives.

    Enjoy it! It is not about how much you read!! We used to read 5 verses and talk about them. Do what works and build the habit, then you can grow from there as she grows.


    We use the SCM Guides for our morning Bible together … I appreciate how it keeps me guided and on task, while not trying to press any views or doctrine on our family. At night, the kids choose a story from Penny Gardner’s list of Bible stories and we read together. When it’s super late or we’re just spent we use Jesus Calling (the kid’s version) and look up the scripture, too, and let that sink in. I have my own time with the Word … right now with Philippians and the “Be” series by Wersbe. Next I plan on the Hebrews study from Sonya for myself. We do try to make sure our days begin and end with the Bible and I try to make sure my kids witness me quietly alone with my Lord throughout the day. Hymns, too! Every morning. 

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