How do you deal with bad attitudes?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Habits How do you deal with bad attitudes?

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     I have been dealing with bad attitudes from my dc.  Mostly my dd (7).  We are first trying to deal with the habit of attention but I will soon be focusing more on the attitude problem.  Stinky attitudes are horrible to have to deal with in a positive way!Yell  Have any of you dealt with this problem successfully?  Care to share?

    DoorPosts has an If..Then Chart I really like.  If mine argues, whines or complains I give him Double work or additional work. For example, if I ask him to help clean up the dishes and he whines then he has to do a 2nd chore as well thats not his usual.  He had a really bad habit of telling me he was bored, so I started giving him something to do everytime he was bored. (Like pick up sticks in the backyard, pull weeds, scoop up dog poop) He has not told me he is bored for about 8 months now!!   For school work I would double it too as he is in 4th and I felt he could handle double work for a punishment.  I don’t know about 2nd grade though.  We also use LDTR and back up the bad habit with a new good one. Read under Sweet, Even Temper.  It talks about changing your child’s thoughts when you see her face start to change, redirect her.


    Bad attitudes are the worst!!  One of the things that we try to do, in order to get to the heart of the issue, is to have Bible verses posted to deal with the bad attitude (we’ve also done this when struggling with sibling fighting).  When they are having a bad attitude They have to go and read all the verses and then pick out one to come back and recite and talk about why it is most applicable.  Then we also talk about what they should have done in the given situation.  Finally, they have to apologize to the applicable person.  We have a 14, 11, and 9 year old, and we’ve used this for about a year now.  I like this because we bring God back into the situation, helps themw learn to think through their problems first, and make ammends with someone they may have hurt.  Depending on the severity of the problem, and how much of a longstanding issue it has been, we may deem this sufficient, or we may deem that more punishment is needed.  We do similar to mrsjamiesouth by adding work if they are complaining about school work or being bored, but sometimes, too, we will take things away.  If they are complaining about the movie that we may be watching as a family, we make them go to bed early while we have family time.

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