How do you chose the composers to study in each year?

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  • Dawn

    Just wondering how you choose which composers to study in each year?  I am not a musical person and although I studied classical music and composers in high school and college I don’t remember much of it.  I do think it is important to introduce my children to them.  I have a 1st and 2nd grader this year.  I ordered the set of composers books from Vision Forum and 3 of them are listed on the 1st grade selections.  Is there any problem with me choosing 6 of those composers to go through this year?  Just wondering if there is any reason I should wait with any of these composers?

    Composers are:  Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert, Hayden, Handel, Schumann



    All of those composers sound great!

    Another resource is the SCM free curriculum guide.  If you look in there, Sonja has broken it down to 6 composers a year for 6 years.  That is what I use.  I just usually only get to 3, so the rate I am going I will have more then enough to study 🙂




    If you’re talking about the Wheeler bios, they are fabulous!!  And those compsers are the most common to study.  I would just choose one (I personally would start with Bach because he has had so much influence on the musical world,) read the bio and be listening to his music.  You can find many listening options online or find recordings of his music pretty much anywhere that sells music.  There are also  MP3’s for each of these books available to go along with the Wheeler books that has music and activities on them.


    Agreeing with the others. Basically choosing the “biggies” is safe. You can’t go wrong with the list you’ve got there. And another vote for the Wheeler bios. Great. I used to read them aloud. Now Sprite reads them silently.


    Thank you.  Yes it is the wheeler bios.  I had looked at Sonya’s curriculum guide and many of the these composers are listed later in elementary.  Just making sure I wasn’t missing any reason I should wait.

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