How do you blog?


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  • greenebalts

    I’m thinking about creating a blog, but have no idea how to go about it.  Any advice?  Thanks, Melissa


    All I can say is go to and fill out the information. Then you can get on there and put the information you want to. I am not an expert and don’t know a lot about it but that is what I do know. Some people put all kinds of cool things on there sites and I hope I can learn how to do more. For now mine has a plain picture and not much stuff because I am to busy to work at it. Someday maybe I will get to work on it more. Well, I Hope this much info. helps. 🙂 


    I just use blogspot and for the template Cutestblogontheblock. You can see it here and i could use a few subscribers as well! LOL


    I second the blogspot info.

    If you want a lot of information and a step by step guide you can check out:

    She helps you set up a blog that you could also make money from but there is a wealth of “blog” information on that site.



    I just got started with a blog.

    But, I use WordPress because (for convenience)

    I can use the app on my BB and make quick posts.

    I use blogspot as well… 



    I use too. I’ve had my blog for three years now, and I love it. It’s such a great way to express myself in a way that allows me to use my gifts for writing and humor. My blog is called Today in Dietzville.




    I started with blogspot and whether it was user error or problems w/ blogspot, my pictures were dropped often. I switched to wordpress and have had no issues. I have two blogs – Beauty at Home and Abroad for travel and eventually nature studies, too; Learning with Charlotte is simply about tidbits about our CM homeschool and for sharing resources with my co-op and friends. I must admit that I’m a quick blogger, almost utilitarian in style, but it works for me. Now, I LOVE Lindsey’s blog!


    I use blogspot too, and easily upload my photos through Picasa. After uploading the pics to Picasa, they have a feature that can take it to my blog, where i can journal about it. No extra steps and saves me time.

    I mainly use it as my family scrapbook and annually make it a hardback book through a blog-to-book online service. My kids LOVE to look through these books of memories!

    Have fun!


    Thanks so much everyone!  Looks like Blogspot wins by an overwhelming majority 😉  This is something we’ve been thinking and praying about.  It’s fun to look at all of your blogs.  Blessings, Melissa

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