How do you access the Charlotte Mason Digital Collection?

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  • greenebalts

    I’ve tried several times to access documents and come up with this page only…



    I’ve tried downloading the most recent Adobe version.  I’ve tried opeing in Chrome and Firefox.  I can access the document description pages, but when I try to click on a doc link, I just get the introductory page linked above.  Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?  Do you need some type of access code or log in?


    Thanks so much,



    I too can’t can’t access anything either from the Digital Collection. Didn’t think to ask others though.



    When your browser downloads the pdf, there is a link on the bottom of the first paragraph that is in blue “” that takes you to a page where there is an option to search, however if you look below the search area, there is another link that says Browse List of CM Collection “.  When you click on it, it takes you to a browse list of the digital content they have put together. The page tells youhow to search for content.  You have to read for instructions. Hope that helps!


    Yes, I did that jenhorsfall, thanks 🙂  However, when I enter the blue code in the search box, it still only sends me to the full description page.  From there, I click on the item I’d like to view and it directs me the “Redeemer University College” cover sheet.  I never get to view the item. For example, I’d like to view PNEU162, just in case anyone else would like to try it and can make it work. 


    Sorry to know you are also having trouble Kim, but good to know I’m not alone 🙂


    Open to other suggestions….


    Looks like it’s an error on their side.  It’s making a loop.

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