How do these lesson plans/schedule look?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules How do these lesson plans/schedule look?

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  • 2Corin57

    So this is what I have come up with for a schedule for my children (8 & 5):

    Religion will be combined where we just read a Bible story each day, and then a story of a saint, I’ll get narration from both.

    Math for my son will be CLE. For my daughter is just informal work on numbers 1-100.

    Literature will be a classic read-aloud that we read together. I won’t expect my daughter to join in on this, unless she wants to. She has ASD, and still has some lagging receptive language skills. She and I will have our own story time later.

    Both children will do copywork, my oldest cursive, and manuscript for my daughter. I’m not quite sure yet what we’ll use for a source, but I’m leaning towards using use the prayers that we’ll be focusing on during Prayer Study (spending the rest of the year focusing on the prayers of Mass).

    The “studies” will be both of them combined. For now, I don’t think we’ll focus on specific artists/composers etc… For art we have a couple of the “Come Look with Me” books which we’ll use. For Music Study we’re doing “Listen to the Birds”, Hymn and Prayer study will both be focused on those which are used during Mass, and Poem study we’ll just read various poems. In the fall, when we start our new years, I will sit down and plan out more specific studies.

    History is SOTW which is only for DS, though DD is free to join in on whatever she likes. Same with Science, which we’ll be reading through the Burgess Animal Book. My goal is to read/narrate, and then on Fridays, let my oldest pick an animal to study further. French will just be DuoLingo.

    For DD, while my oldest is doing his independent math work, I’ll take that time to work on letters and early reading with her, mostly using a mix of word-family building and McGuffey primer.

    How does it look? Reasonable?



    That looks very good.  Similar in a lot of ways to what my 7YO is doing this year.

    I have a few questions/suggestions:

    -For history, SOTW hasn’t really engaged my younger ones as much as some of the books I’ve seen recommended here.  As a result, I prefer to do SOTW on audio in the van and find engaging, interesting biographies or historical fiction selections to read at home.

    -You mentioned Mass, so I assume you are Catholic. Is your son preparing for his sacraments?  Are you doing that at home, too, or is he in a faith formation program?  (We are Catholic, so I picked up on that).  ?

    -Does the curriculum Five in a Row appeal to you at all?  I’ve found that to be such a nice resource in the early years – reading lots of great stories, learning some things gently, doing some hands-on activities, and reading the book again.  I mention it not because I see a gap, but because it might be some literature reading that your 8YO and 5YO would enjoy together.

    -Love your prayer idea for copywork.  You could also use any scripture memory verse that you might choose for the week.  We learn a passage each week that we will hear in Mass on Sunday.  This week is Luke 3:16, which is part of the gospel reading for Sunday.

    Hope that helps some!  You have a nice framework already!!


    We’re actually already into SOTW, and my son is LOVING it! We add in many of their suggested literature, too.

    Yes, we’re Catholic but he’s already made FHC 🙂 We don’t do anything specific for FF at home, since he participates every Sunday. We just do daily prayers, rosary, etc…

    I like the idea of using a verse from Sunday’s Mass as well. Great idea. We have the Sunday Missal, as well as the completely daily Mass guide, as well.



    Are you using the SOTW activity guide?  We just started using it and my DC are really enjoying the maps and coloring pages!  I keep hoping we’ll get to an actual activity, but we haven’t so far.  lol

    I think your plans look great.


    Yes 🙂 We’re doing the mapping, coloring pages, a timeline and then the book suggestions. We’re not too far in, coming up on the chicken mummy which we definitely plan on doing!

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