Just read from the book. Make sure your children are paying attention, tell them you’ll only read the selection once, and that they will have to tell you what they know when you are finished reading. Read clearly, not too slowly, but not too quickly. Make the passage somewhat short at first, if this is their first time to narrate.
The CM way is using narration to learn from living books. You read the story to them (or they read it themselves, if old enough). You ask them to narrate the story back to you, remembering as much detail and proper sequence as they can. It’s a difficult skill, and best to start by reading small sections at a time and asking for narrations on that, gradually increasing the quantity read over time. I attempt to require narration on everything except their free reading. Narration allows the child to make his own connections with the book, not just being told what to learn.
I’ve used curriculums before where you just ask the child questions. My kids can easily answer questions correctly—doesn’t take as much mind work. But to tell a story back really requires them to know it. This requires composition skills, even though it’s oral—and when they are older they can write their narrations down.
A great thing about narration is that it requires the student to really use his/her mind, but it’s easier on mom:) No long lists of qu. to ask/check off. I never seem to do this, but they can also narrate by acting a story out, drawing a picture about it, etc. in the younger years. If material is complicated with names, dates, etc. that are difficult to remember you can write these things down as ‘hooks’ to help them tell you their narration.
A wonderful book on implementing CM in your school is “The Charlotte Mason Companion” by Karen Andreola—lots of tips on narration, nature study, living books, etc. I’ve yet to read CM’s 6-volume set, hope to before long! But Andreola’s book is a great synopsis. Hope that helps some:) Blessings, Gina
my daughter is in 2nd grade and my son is in first. so far we have only chosen one book. They both wanted to start with Bambi. I will take any reccomedations though. Thanks Lindsey. (thats my sisters name, she also spells it “ey”.)