How do I cover basic geography with SCM?

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  • Inky

    How do you all teach basic geography (eg solar system, rotation of the earth, seasons, the contintents and oceans, basic map skills etc)? I can’t seem to find where this is covered in the SCM modules.  I love that they cover regional geography alongside history/literature, but I feel I’m missing something – especially as I read somewhere that Charlotte Mason was very careful to teach her pupils these topics from a young age.  My two are 6 and 4 years.

    Any advice?

    Thank you


    We use the SCM modules as a family for history and geography. I have six DC from 13-2. When we have a geography day come up in the module, I just give a labeled map to our littles (7, 6 and 2), and they will color it. We are mapping Europe now. Most maps you print out from online will have directional symbols, so you can review those each time. My 6YO DD has picked up the directions from this already.

    I will also have the globe and atlases out, and we will find the continent in/on those too. They love this! I always make sure to review the continent. Later in the day I will see if they can find it on our large world map. And at that time we talk about where we live in relation to it, so this is a good time to point out (or they can) point out where they live.

    I am just teaching them in this way, and they (7 and 6 YO) now know the two oceans around the US. I am confident they will learn the others as well as all of the continents.

    For seasons, this is part of our calendar system. I created it myself. I would link to it, but is is a “for purchase” link, so I’m not sure I can do that here. PM me if you want the link.

    I will teach the solar system in science. We are using Apologia Astronomy this year. If the littles learn the planets that is great. If not we will revisit it later!

    Hope this helps!



    I am pretty sure that some of those topics, if not all of them, are covered in “A Child’s Geography:  Explore His Earth” by Ann Voskamp.  Isn’t that book used in one of the SCM modules?  I am going from memory so please forgive if I am wrong.   


    Yes, pslively, that you are correct in that that book covers those topics; however, I believe SCM recommends the second book covering Holy Land Geography in Mod 2.  

    Ruthm, some of these topics are covered in some science curriculums as well — look for topics like astronomy and physical science.  It’s actually not that difficult to teach these basic things with the use of a map and a globe.  For your children you might find a good basic book at the library, maybe even a Magic School Bus book if you’re cool with that. 



    We used Apologia Astronomy one year…that covered some of those things. I also got a basic map skills book from Walmart or somewhere and covered what I thought was important….


    I have a copy of CM Elementary Geography.  we are going to use it this year. if anyone would like to look at it I can email the file….not computer minded enough to know how to share as a link lol but gladly can email it too you. I think it can be found on Ambelside site as well not sure though.

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