I think all of us do this naturally – we’re women after all!!! I would suggest that first of all you stay away from discussion boards! The more I read from blogs and forums and boards, the more I worry that I’m not doing enough or doing it wrong or messing up my children. Yes, there are wonderful ideas out there (especially here) but too much can cause you to doubt and question.
Second, pray for peace and the knowledge that you are following the right path.
Third, most of us here have combined our kids and would say that it is not cheating them in any way. Academically my children are doing well. I have 4 kids (10, 10, 7 and 4). The 7-year-old taught himself to read by 4. The 4-yr-old is well on his way. The younger two know all sorts of random science and history things and are happy. Some things go over their heads but they ask questions and have large vocabularies! The “special time” comes in the form of individual math and reading as well as time spent working together on housework, playing outside and “dates”. Because we are combine many of our subjects we are able to finish school fairly quickly and then have more time to do “fun” things together as a family or individually.
I have always taught to my oldest kids. My younger two just follow along as they can and I am constantly amazed on how much they retain and understand. We read a lot of picture books (which my older boys listen to as well) that discuss the science or history topic we are learning together. For example, we’re studying American History right now. I’ll read many chapter books outloud and all kids listen. I also read many picture books to which they all listen. If my older boys want to wander off during picture book time, I let them (to go work on individual work), but they always choose to stay!
Another Heather (my 7-yr-old just said, “This world sure has a lot of Heathers!”