How are you teaching the Government/Election process?

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  • kellywright006

    Hi Everyone:
    I am wondering if there is a recommended book or resource for teaching about the election process? I am more thinking of middle school age range? I just wanted to touch on it briefly. Next time the election comes around, my eldest will VOTE (gulp)!  🙂


    Hi Kelly! 🙂

    It’s funny you should ask this question today because my daughter and I just finished reading a book about the elections this afternoon. It’s short, sweet and to the point. We read the whole thing in one sitting and really enjoyed it. I now know more about the election process than I ever have before and my daughter came away with a good understanding of how the whole process works.

    It’s well written and it’s a free download online! I found it linked on the Well Trained Mind Forums. Here’s a link to the homeschool blog where you can download it for free:

    You can also buy the kindle version for 99 cents at Amazon.

    My daughter just turned 14 and is super interested in the election. We have watched almost all of the debates together and she has researched the candidates on her own and written a paper comparing the various candidates. She was also inspired to read Ben Carson’s book and enjoyed it very much. This election book gets 5 stars from her. Check it out and see what you think!


    Participant has some good videos on the Electoral College that explained that bit of the election process pretty clearly. (I have never understood that until now!)

    Thanks for the book recommendation. I’ll check it out, since my 11yo is interested in the election.


    Thanks for sharing this, we will be reading this too!

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