How about SCM Christmas Portfolios? :)

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  • momto2blessings

    Just had a thought that it would be awesome to have a beautiful SCM art portfolio of varied artist’s Christmas works.  Any possibility for next year?  🙂 No pressure!!!  Blessings, Gina


    Great idea!

    Sonya Shafer

    Such great ideas you all have! However, the delightful announcement has just been made of Emily’s engagement to be married! So I’m not sure she’ll have the time to invest in this project in the coming months. Smile


    Bummed for me…… but congrats to Emily!!   🙂

    Emily Kiser

    You know, there are so many lovely Annunciation, Nativity, Adoration of the Magi, Madonna and Child pictures in the existing Portfolios–maybe a comparison study of each of those by the different artists would be a possibility?  (Botticelli, Durer, Fra Angelico, Giotto, Michelangelo, Van Eyck, and Velazquez all have good examples!)

    I am working on new portfolios, but already have my slate full of the next artists I’ll be completing…  But perhaps this idea would suffice in the meantime? 



    There is a website that already has some of these together.  Here is the link:

    I have to confess that I adapted this blog post to a PDF in order to print the picture with the title and artist on the front and the back would have her interesting little comments and notes for picture study.  I was printing them on card stock and then doing exactly what Emily suggested and seeing how the styles changed over the years.  Very interesting!  You can PM me if you want that PDF – I’d be happy to share.


    Thanks, Emily. Great idea, I’ll need to peruse my portfolios and see what I have!

    And thanks for the link, Sheraz…going to check it out right now:) Blessings, Gina

    blue j

    Gina, you can go to my pinterest board, Christmas Unit, and I have several paintings pinned that go from the Annunciation through the flight to Egypt.  I keep adding more as I come across the ones that I want to use with the girls.  Some of the links have multiple paintings within.  While it’s not a packet like SCM’s, there are several in one location. 🙂

    BTW – many, though not all, include the dates of the paintings as well. We have looked up other information about the painters themselves and added both that information as well as the date of the painting to our timelines.  Today we learned that Jocopo Pontormo was born two years after Columbus set sail for the Indies and painted the Visitation (Mary & Elizabeth) a few years before Martin Luther nailed his Theses to the door of Wittenburg church.

    We’ve been comparing all of the pictures to one another, and the girls guess the approximate time of the paintings based on the way they look before I show them the date.  They have become very accurate. 🙂 



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