So I know kids do more work as they get older but it still seems like the CM mehtod requires fewer hours, definitely than public school and also than other approaches to homeschool. So I am wondering how this translates in terms of transcripts. It seems like colleges expect a certain number of subjects and that to be worth a credit a class needs to have a certain number of hours spent on it. So do you find that this just works out and that your high schoolers are getting in enough hours? I don’t want to start requiring more work just for the sake of getting enough hours to satisfy someone else. But I also want my kids to be able to go to college if that’s what they choose.
BTW, my oldest will be in 8th grade next year but I am thinking ahead and hoping to plan next year so that 9th grade is not a big transition.
Not that it helps, but I grew up being HS’ed and usually finished my daily work in 2-3 hours even in high school. My siblings were the same. We were all very ready for college and all did very well.
My mom did transcripts for us, I never thought of how she put them together until now, LOL.
My DH went to public school, we met at church when we were 16. Some days he had classes for 5 hours total and others only 3 hours. He was rarely at school from start to finish because he would try to do his classes in the morning so he did not have to go the past period. Also he had a bunch of “fluff” time in class and between class, where as I just sat and did my work. All my friends were jeallous that I got done early in the day. It was great for finding part time work in high school too 🙂
Remember that there are several ways to calculate a credit–an hours format, or completion of a course of study (say, a math book). My kids worked every day on math, but not nearly as long as I did in school–they would work maybe 45 min a day, whereas I would be in class at least that long, plus homework. Home instruction is just more efficient and in our experience colleges know that. My two kids for whom I’ve done transcripts so far, had many, many more credits than is usual–I think my oldest had 32! 24 or so is more typical. And we typically schooled, well, it varied some. There would be days they would be done in three-ish hours, but if they had several online classes or a big test or were writing a paper or titrating or something maybe that day they’d work 5 hours. It just depended. Just keep track. I simply write up a paper per course and add our typical time spent, books used, films watched, long dicussions engaged in . . . and keep it all 4 years since there’s no need to make a “course” just one year.
We were never asked any of those things. We just did what we did for each class, which varied depending on the class, of course, and submitted the end-of-semester and final grades to our umbrella school. These went on his transcript which went to the colleges. No other questions were ever asked. Not that we shirked by any means and I would have been happy to supply them with more. There was just never a question.
The Lord is good!! I came on to begin my planning for next year and pulled up this discussion which is right where I am. How wonderful!! Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. As we approach HS it is intimidating. Nebby, thank you for starting the discussion.
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