Hosting an All Day Charlotte Mason Seminar

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  • easybrizy

    I’m so excited! I’m going to be hosting a seminar in April. I’ve found the tips on the site here about hosting, but was wondering if anyone else had done it or attended one (in a home) and had any additional advice or tips for me.

    I’m planning to charge $15.00–this will cover the notebook, help defray the cost of the DVDs, provide refreshments and a light lunch.

    I’ve sent out an email to the ladies in my homeschool group and created an online registration form.

    I pretty much adopted the schedule Sonya suggested.

    Any thoughts?


    No thoughts as I have not hosted one, but I have been wanting to so badly.

    I hope you and your group have a wonderful, inspiring seminar and please let us know how it goes. 

    I really need to hold on, but have never done something so formal before…I’m kind of afraid someone is going to ask questions:)  I know we’ll have the DVD’s (I have several of them), but still.

    Best wishes.



    I did it 2 years ago and it went really well, though I charged $15 and did not include lunch. Everyone went to local restaurants. It was very well received, so much so that last year I brought Sonya in person for a 2 day seminar.

    Remember to pause the dvd where there is group interaction to allow your group time to participate. 

    Best wishes,



    Do you recommend being sure to watch the entire DVD ahead of time, or would I be alright experiencing it for the first time with my group?


    Now–to have Sonya in person! That would be the thing, hmmm? Laughing


    I did the dvd seminar to test the waters and see if I could generate enough interest in Sonya coming. I had around 15 come to the DVD seminar and most of those attended the in-person seminar the following year. This year I have Jan Bloom coming for a 2 day seminar and I have some others in mind for the future. 

    I watched it ahead of time, but I think you could do this either way, really. 

    I wish you the best. I’m hoping to either go the Living Education Retreat or the Child Light USA conference this summer to further my knowledge, too. 



    Well, if it were me…I would watch ahead of time.  I’m watching it with my friend right now (we’ve been watching it in small segments, we talk alot) and ‘knowing’ the answer may be coming to a certain question/concern may help keep the ‘flow.’  But, that’s just me. But, of course, like Christie mentioned, you’ll have to leave time for discussion anyway, so I don’t know:)

    Obviously, you don’t need to know all of the answers to every question, but you may be looked upon as the ‘go to’ person for all things CM.  In my large hs group there are only a few of us professed CMers (okay, I may be the only one, not sure) and since I am further in I get lots of questions. I have lots of moms interested in ‘this or that’ or some that are trying to go that route.  I admit that I don’t know all (or even some) of the answers and always say that I could try to find out, but it is getting better that I am familiarizing myself more and more.  I do refer people to this site, books, articles, etc. so that they can learn on their own and come to their own conclusions, but I still like helping when I can right away.  Hope that makes sense:)


    Oh, have a great time!  It is a wonderful seminar!

    I would watch the DVDs ahead of time too.  Again, just so you know what is coming and when you might need to be ready to pause. The interaction of the group will make a big difference… being ready to pause and discuss or do whatever Sonya has asked of those in attendance when the DVD was made is important, I think.  🙂

    I attended the both seminars that Christie hosted/arranged and I have now hosted two in my home as well.  One thing that Christie did, that I followed her lead on and thought was very helpful was to print out a copy of the picture study for everyone to have her own copy (4×6 size).  I don’t know if there is a preprinted source to use like Sonya does (Dover postcards, I think), but being able to see the details in the picture make for great observations/conversation.  I just found the best version online that I could and printed my own.  There is a copy of the picture on the screen from the DVD too if you’d rather use that alone.  You’ll have to look at that and decide what you think.

    Hope that thought helps too

    Have fun! 



    EDITED TO ADD:  I think that if you are practicing any parts of CM in your homeschool already too, that it is nice to have examples on hand in case anyone is interested… a Book of Centuries, or Nature Study notebook/journal/resources, or Picture Study resources (Christie shared a photo album book that her children keep their picture study prints in, for example).  The DVD/Seminar alone is excellent and doesn’t need adding too, but this was just another thought I had.


    Thanks Kim for remembering details I’ve forgotten.


    Easybrizy…. you don’t happen to be in Michigan do you??????

    I want to go to one of these with other CM’ers!!!!!!!


    Nina–I’m afraid I’m in Georgia. Kiss

    Thank you for all of the suggestions, ladies! Since my children are so young and I’m so new to this myself, I won’t have much by way of example. But I certainly don’t mind simply stating that “I’m here to learn, too!”

    I will probably try to watch ahead of time, per your suggestions. Thanks!


    Easybrizy, this does sound like a fun learning time! Hope it all goes well for you.  I’ve been considering ordering the DVD for myself but it would so much richer to share with others…

    Nina, where in MI are you? I’m in the southeast area…Smile


    marstar… no 🙁 I am in the southwest. Way southwest.


    LOL oh, well, it was worth asking!  We get over there on our way to IN…I’ll wave next time we go Wink


    hehe, you do that next time marstar!!! And next time I visit family on that side I’ll wave to you 🙂

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