Horrendous Morning Sickness

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  • This topic has 12 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Dawn.
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  • dmccall3

    Has anyone else had really bad morning sickness? I did with my first and was on phenergen for it. My DS is about to turn 3 and I’m pregnant again. This time I’m on Zofran. It worked well at first but each day I get a bit sicker until tonight is just so bad. I find myself saying, “I’m going to die” which of course I’m not but I’m sooo miserable. We would love to have 4 kids but oh my word! I don’t think I can do this again. Does my body just not like being pregnant? What is wrong with me? My husband has really stepped up and takes care of me and the house but I want to be able to do it myself! I hate being so… Incapacitated!

    Discouraged. 🙁


    Peppermint oil works well for morning sickness. Just breathing it is supposed to help with the nausea. Also, peppermint tea can calm an upset tummy. Ginger is supposed to be good for morning sickness as well.

    I’m sure you are keeping crackers by your bed to eat first thing in the morning. Also, speak life over yourself. The Bible tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue, so our words are powerful! Speak blessings over yourself, speak life to your body, rebuke the morning sickness in Jesus’ name. I know that sounds crazy spiritual, but it’s amazing what power our words have over our minds and bodies! Find some healing scriptures to begin praying over yourself, and have your hubby come into agreement with you.

    Praying you feel better soon!


    I’ve had yucky morning sickness with all four of mine, usually lasting the whole nine months. Just try and remember that it DOES pass and it IS worth it!

    But in the mean time… my sympathy is with you girl :o)

    Be thankful for a good husband willing to pitch in!


    Had morning sickness with all five of mine, thankfully not the whole nine months (like ladyofthehouse), only the first 5 months.  It’s more like “all day/night” sickness for me, there isn’t much escaping.  I also don’t have much in the way of tips, I feel like I tried everything, flat cola, ginger, citrus, crackers by the bed, etc.  I think sometimes that’s just the way it’s going to be.  I’ve never tried medicine for it though so can’t answer to that.  One last thing I wanted to try was the anti-nausea bracelets you can wear for motion sickness, they are supposed to help.  I found that if you can find one thing you actually want to eat, stick with that.  For me it was fruit snacks, they settled my stomach way more than anything else. 

    If you’ve never had morning sickness before it’s hard to understand how physically/mentally debilitating it is for sure (hard to get up because you know it’s there, hard to read to kiddos, very hard to go grocery shopping because you have to find the nearest trashcan at Walmart just in case, fixing meals, etc.) 

    If you desire more children, the Lord will give you the strength to get through it each time:)  One thing that helped me so much was a meal plan, that way I knew what I was cooking for the rest of the family(even though I wasn’t going to eat it) and they still had dinner on the table each night.  Just push through it and don’t neglect your hubby either even though that’s the last thing you feel like you can handle. 

    Just know ladies know how you feel and are praying for you, Adrienne


    I had terrible morning (all day) sickness for the first 4 months with all 4 of mine. Smells were the worst! However, with the last one, I discovered the Relief Band (available elsewhere, too) and boy I was THRILLED! It is a small watch-like band that sends small electronic signals into the wrist and restores regular stomach rhythm. Don’t ask me why it works, but it does! My nausea was 95-98% better because of this device and I wore it every waking hour for 4 months.

    I use it now for traveling, since I am prone to motion sickness and it’s great for that, too. I haven’t ever had motion sickness again. It is expensive, but was well worth it to me!




    Keeping a mint in my mouth at-all-times is the only thing that remotely saved me during any of my pregnancies.  I had horrendous morning/day sickness.  I have 3 blessings and just couldn’t do it again, but would gladly adopt.  Ice cold coke (not diet like I usually like) would taste sooo good in the morning. 

    I so feel for you….I kept having to tell myself that it would all be worth it in the end (and of course it is) and that this would be the first of many sacrifices I would make for my baby:)

    BTW, we only have 3 cause I couldn’t take it and neither could my husband.  This, too, shall pass.  HTH


    I didn’t see Christie’s post til I posted mine…I tried to use the band and ginger and neither of them helped.  I do hope that if you try either that one will work for you.

    I experienced so many miscarriages so when my doc reminded me that morning sickness is a ‘good’ sign (for me) then I did find comfort in having it.  The minute I wasn’t sick I worried…so I guess I couldn’t have it both ways:(

    Blessings to you.

    My morning sickness with my four pregnancies was bad for the first trimester…vomiting and nausea everyday. I was always scared to take anything for it as it might affect baby, so it was a looong 12 to 15 weeks. I tried all the natural remedies too, but nothing really helped except time.

    It did make me extra thankful for my health though! I always say now when I am feeling a little yuck, “Well, at least I am not nauseated for 3 months! ” Ha! 🙂

    Hang in there, it won’t last forever! And take it easy.


    My morning sickness was pretty bad with my first four. However, with my fifth it wasn’t bad at all. I think eating no sugar and lots of protein helped tremendously. Try eliminating as much sugar/junk food and incorporating as much protein as possible (i.e. string cheese, almonds, crackers with peanut butter etc.)

    blue j

    Agreeing with Lindsey on the peppermint oil.  I have been getting a bit ill lately from certain smells and after eating certain foods.  The peppermint oil has worked wonders. 


    I had “all day” sickness with all four of mine.  Throwing up well into the 5th month.  The first one was the worst though.  I was on day three of not being able to keep anything down and my choices were either the doctor or try swimming (I was in college and had free access to the pool).  I tried swimming; taking it slow at first and only doing one or two laps and right after that I was able to keep popsicles down.  I had three of them that night and ended up with heartburn! but I didn’t care at that point.  So I kept on swimming.  I still was sick, but swimming helped ALOT.

    Also, I noticed with the fourth one, (when all I could drink for the first three months was root beer), that the more I sat in the chair and moaned about how awful I felt, the worse I felt.  If I got up and tried to do a few things, then I felt better.

    I also used the motion sickness bands and they helped me also.

    Hope you find something that works for you!!!!!


    Hi everyone!

    Thank you all so much! I feel encouraged. 🙂 I have my Sea Bands on. The plus side is that I can pretend to be Wonder Woman. 😉

    I just had a really bad day yesterday and by last night I was really sick. It gets hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you keep feeling worse instead of even just feeling the same each day.


    I’m feeling a little better tummy-wise and lots better emotionally.

    Thanks again!



    I too have been there to the point of needing home health care with 2 of mine and 1 I was hospitalized for a few weeks.  So just wanted you to know you aren’t alone.  I tried all the home remedies and nothing helped.  Take it one day at a time.  Don’t worry about the future pregnancies they are all different.  I agree with the poster that said if God lays it on your heart to have more he will give you the grace to go through it.  It feels like forever when you are in the midst of it, but when I look back I tend to think it wasn’t really that long. 

    A few things that helped my mindset.  Looking at baby pictures of my other children and reading journals from that time period.  There is nothing so sweet as holding your precious baby.  Focus on this one day just get through it one day at a time.  Just do the next thing.  Crockpot!  Use your crockpot, but if you have an area outside where no animals can get to it put it there throughout the day to cook.  I put mine in my enclosed garage.  That way, I didn’t have to smell it all day.  Don’t use it if you have to smell it.  When you do feel good enough to cook try to cook something that you can double and freeze one.  Don’t feel bad about relying on others who want to help.  You will remember this time period later and try to help someone else.  Realize that your husband too hates to see you going through this sickness and perhaps him helping around the house is good for him.  My husband said he would rather have gone through it himself than see me so sick.  Mostly do your best to remain cheerful.  I wish I had done that more than I did.  Not saying you have to be smiling all the time, but a pleasant momma is easier to be around., 🙂  Nap when you can.  The housework will still be there when you get up.

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