Homeschooling wtih many and bad attitudes

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  • Wow, what an amazing child! I can’t speak personally to your dilemma, but my cousin hs her 4 children and the oldest will graduate this year. Two years ago, said oldest (who seems to have a similar personality to your ds) started lobbying his parents to attend ps. After much prayer and discussion, they agreed to let him try it. The result? He hated it. In fact he asked to come home, but they made him finish the year. I think it ended up being an eye-opening experience for him – he was very bored in his classes and was bothered by the behavior of his peers.

    One thing I have noticed about how my cousin does things is that her kids have several outside activities – lacrosse, swimming, debate club, etc. I know you mentioned karate – does he need something more?

    I really think you have the right idea about involving him more. Good luck and God bless. Becky


    Thanks Becky. 

    To answer your question…he takes a pottery class 1x a week for 1 1/2 hours, 3 co-op classes on Mondays (American Sign Lang., although he wants to try Spanish, a Godly Leadership class and a Sports Dynamics class), Upwards Basketball for a few months and at times a PE class at a local gymnastics class.  He’s a funny bird where he enjoys classes/community opportunities, but like you mentioned about your cousins son, he dislikes the behavior of some of the kids (even in the co-op).  He’s not perfect (I know that) but he is shocked when kids don’t do what they are suppose to do or if they are openly disrespectful to anyone.  Now he does have issues with his own brothers (younger bros that get on his nerves at times) but overall he’s easy to deal with.  He’s very un-hyper, is that a word?? 

    I think that he may be wondering if his abitlity to do most of his work himself (with some work with me, especially Junior Analytical Grammar) then maybe it’s not ‘hard’ enough.  You know what I mean??  If he can figure it out himself then maybe it’s not hard enough (he may be thinking that).  Does that make sense??   I don’t think that…I think that that is a good thing…additionally, I expect him to ask for help if he needs it so he can move on and not be stuck when it’s not necessary. 

    I apologize for taking over this thread, but I must have had this issue building up and just dumped it all of you.   Thanks for reading and your replies.


    I am so overwhelmed at what you guys are doing!  You mom’s with little ones still juggling all your duties and homeschooling are absolutely amazing.  I have one senior in PS, which having evaluated his education over the years convinced me homeschooling was better.  My 10 yr old son (ds, i think – so not accustomed to abbreviations), went to ps until 3rd & I pulled him this year.  My 6 yr old daughter (dd, i think) has never been to school outside the home – I did pre-k with her because ours went to full day – & having seen the primary from my older son & through my friends daughter who is 4 months older than my little girls, therefore started K one yr sooner, there was NO WAY I was putting my daughter there.  We sat in the cafeteria having lunch with her last year & my daughter watched aides jump & scream at the kids with whistles & bull horns (no joke) to not talk & put their heads down on table if done eating! It was pouring rain & recess was out of the question but they couldn’t talk @ lunch – kindergarteners! Then I picked her up 10 minutes after the bell one day & she was unattended by any adults with 7 other kindergarteners.  I looked for an adult & called out for one & finally removed my friends daughter easily from the front of the school & promptly called her mother.  DONE – none of that for me – thanks.  Not to mention – my son was bringing home hours worth of homework each night for me to teach – after he sat in a window-less classroom all day, because the teacher spent all of her time working with children who were severely behind! 

    SORRY – I’m rambling – I’m writing because – my 10 yr old LOVES homeschooling – & is doing ok with his schoolwork…BUT he grumbles CONSTANTLY.  I sometimes feel at my wits end with my once happy & (honestly over-compliant), sweet little boy that suddenly is so negative.  He gripes, grumbles & corrects ALL the time.  My only solace is that it does seem to translate to other activities besides schoolwork, therefore I am pushing forward.  I try to come up with creative ways to make it more fun, but I’m also trying not to give in & pacify his every gripe, since I don’t want him to think he can just gripe & get his way.  I have tried other things might be helping – such as having him add a positive statement after he has made a negative one.  I pray that time will tell.  I am brand new to this site & I am searching for the perfect curriculum.  I love some of the books that are available & that I can easily view samples to see the book lists, but I am still analyzing if this will work for me.  I really wish it was easier to get all of the books that Sonya S. recommends, because that is almost the only thing holding me back from my current curriculum choices.  However – after reading some of the moms comments, I find comfort in the fact that you guys talk about real problems you are having.  Thanks for the comments – and again – I admire you all – I don’t know how you do it!  I am staying home, self employed (accounting work for the church & babysit two girls), run a few ministries @ church & teach a class @ church plus one @ co-op, and serve on the school board (yes – that was a moment of insanity that led me to run for that)!  However – even all of this truly pales in comparison to watching toddlers & infants and homeschooling one or more older kiddos!  I so wish I could have a day with several other homeschool moms to shadow & see how they do it!  Thanks for letting me get all that out – I think I feel better!  Ashley


    I should’ve added that he attends church every Sunday (morning/evening) and has taken many classes for Science/Writing either in someone’s home or put on by our city’s arts dept.  With 3 boys I feel that we are ‘out’ alot between each of their ‘outside’ activities so I don’t know that I could add one more thing.  Plus, he’s the type that will ask if we are going to be staying home on any given day so he can get caught up on ‘such and such’. 

    So, I just asked him if he’d like to add anything else to his outside activities and he said, “No.”  He said that it makes him feel that he doesn’t have enough time for his ‘bookwork work’.  He said that he knows he’s learning at these classes, but that he needs to get to his Math and things like that.  What did I tell you?  Funny bird.  Oh, and he loves to read.  Didn’t until we started incorporating CM methods about a year and a half ago…he always has a book and will ask if he can just get to his reading.  That is something he would not be able to do ‘for as long as he likes’ in ps.

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