I’m a soon to be new homeschooler. My husband just accepted a job in China, and will be going in January, and my children and I will follow this summer. I have a first grader and 4 year old who both attend public school presently. I have friends who home school and have always supported it, but didn’t think it was something I was ready to do. Now, we don’t have much of a choice! One of my friends who homeschools seems to do it so well, and lovingly, and I asked her for suggestions, and she pointed me here. I’m going to try to go to one of the workshops this month.
I’m not too concerned in general, as my children are young, and I have time to plan before we leave. My one worry is that CM seems very literature based, and since we are overseas, I’m not sure how easy it will be for us to get books in english. No libraries! Does anyone else here homeschool outside the US in a non english speaking country? I’m excited for the cultural and language opportunities, of course, but I’m scrambling trying to figure out what resources we will have once we get there. Right now all I can think of is to invest in a Kindle.
There is a blog I read that might be helpful. She lives in China and homeschools her daughter and she also teaches with the Charlotte Mason methods. You could comment on her blog and start a dialogue with her about how she gets all of her materials, etc. Her blog is http://www.jimmiescollage.com. Hope this helps.
Sorry, don’t have any words of wisdom for you, but wanted to say how jealous I am of you!!! I would love to do that! Can I ask where you’re moving to? Our daughters are adopted from China and we’re hoping to go back for 1 more!
There is a great blog by a mom homeschooling in China (don’t know, she may even be on here, not sure). http://jimmiescollage.com/ She homeschools using CM and lapbooking. Might give you some ideas!
Oops, just saw someone else posted the same thing and she IS on this forum–even better!
Jimmie, sorry, don’t mean to talk about you like you’re not here! LOL I love following your blog. I truly do wish we could live in China. My dh is a dr and I’ve tried to get him to think about doing work for one of the nonprofits there… Our Grace lived at Philip Hayden Foundation which is is Tianjin and is American run. He says maybe when he retires…that’s too long to wait! Plus I want our kids to be with us and experience it! 🙁
I was in China this summer and met an American mom who homeschools. I think she said her mom helps her gather all her stuff and then ships to her. I am not sure what method or curriculum she uses. Good luck! 🙂
Hey! I don’t have any suggestions for you, but just wanted to say that I will be homeschooling out of country. We will be in East Africa. We will be taking books with us. You may be surprised and have a library close, who knows? We will not have a library, so we will be taking books. There’s no way that any homeschool child should go without good literature, so we will either ship it or take it in our suitcases. I just could not imagine not having wonderful books there, so we will have to take them ourselves.
Thank you all 🙂 I’ll check out that blog for sure, I have been looking for something just like that!
We will be in Shenzhen, which is on the south coast of China, very near Hong Kong. I’m hoping that our proximity to HK and it’s western influence will mean that I will be able to find a lot of resources once we are there. I was finally able to connect with a mom who homeschools in HK and she says there are lots of group activities there, so that is reassuring.
Something I am considering, and would like an opinion on. My husband leaves in January, at which point my kids and I are going to stay with my inlaws in the US until the summer (waiting on passports, visas, tying up loose ends). If you had the choice, would you dive in with homeschooling after the holidays while still in the US, or let the kids continue with public school and give yourself more time to plan before starting once we are in China? I can see pros and cons with both scenerios and can’t decide.
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