Our county requires that and I didn’t have a problem with it. I love being able to see who I am registering my children with in person, one of the reasons I love Daniel 1 Academy. They also have on-site classes as well and offer many FREE classes and tutoring. You will never have to deal with your county on anything, Daniel 1 does that for you as well. Our county is very strict on truancy, so we were called when our first child didn’t sign up for school. Daniel 1 is a christian based umbrella school and they are accredited which is something our family thought was very important. Everyone is different though so what works for some won’t always work for others! Our county has strict requirements, and Daniel 1 has always been very helpful and extremely knowledgeable with TN laws. The services they offer is why we chose them, and the fact they will stand by you if the school board was to question anything you are doing, they have to go straight to them and not us at home. They also have a graduation ceremony, like it said its not for everyone, but is what works for us.
I hope you find the Lords will for everything in your schooling.
P.S. I love the fact that I know Mr. Jack and his wife that owns Daniel 1 they are very nice christian people, and I can talk to them in person with questions instead of on the phone or online. It really makes a difference when you need help with laws and things.
Thanks again to everyone! I appreciate all your input. You have given me some great advice.
I called HomeLife today to talk with them the requirements and all, and when I mentioned that our DD was still enrolled in private school they told me that most schools still require to pay after withdrawal. Well, I looked back at the registration form and finally understood what the withdrawals fees were about. (Previously, we didn’t understand them.) I called the school to make sure. Sure enough, we’d have to fork out the money for half the school year. I’m so sick about it.
Now we are not sure if we will withdraw her or just have her continue where she went last year. I am trying to just seek the Lord and His will. He has a reason for this, and I’m not sure where He is directing us.
ebcsmom, we have no problem with the vaccination thing either. Two of ours have heart disease so it is paramount for our family. I just meant that some might not want to have to supply that info.
As to it being a “county rule” this sounds strange to me. I’m certainly far from an expert, but if you are registered with a Category IV school under the Jeter Memorandum … I think the rules are dictated by the state and not the county??? I guess I’ve heard too many stories of “county rules” around our area that make me a bit leery.
TN’s laws are quite confusing if you ask me. If anyone wants to challenge your brain, here is a link:
I didn’t say anything about county rules, just that ours is extremely strict on truancy., with Daniel 1 Academy they take care of every bit of that for me. They also organize alot of home school events and classes. When my child graduates they will get a high school diploma, not a G.E.D. certificate, and they will personally sit down with me and help me with high school credits and even offer free tutoring if there is something I need help with teaching. I’m sorry if I offended anyone by stating what we had to do, it was never intended it that way, I was just offering them as a suggestion, not saying you have to go with them or anyone does for that matter but they are worth checking out . My family prayed over the matter and we chose Daniel 1 because of their knowledge of TN laws, and reccomendations from surrounding counties. Our school board in our county does have jurisdiction over our public school, and they do as far as my children go with truancy. We have been called many times about truancy at the beginning of our children being homeschooled, and Daniel 1 always handled this for me, Homelife and Gateway I am sure would too, however Daniel 1 is more personal for me, because I can just go straight to their office and speak with them. I was just offering the school as a suggestion, not saying it was better than any other, and definately not meaning to get into homeschool law debates.
They are christian based umbrella school that enrolls lots of children in our state, and was our choice because we can go to them whenever needed in person instead of over the phone or on an email. That was something that was very important to my family.
No offense taken ECBSMOM. I must have misunderstood when you said in one post “my county requires that” (I thought you were talking vaccines and not attendance) Sorry. I hear you though on the truancy and we have talked to our children about what to do if ever approached by someone wondering why they are not in a brick-and-mortar school during typical school hours. It can happen and from what I’ve heard, people have even received letters and knocks on the door. Oh my! We are members of HSLDA for this reason, just in case.
I like the idea of being able to go in person like you mentioned. There is one in our area that is close but they are really expensive compared to HLA and Daniel and the others mentioned in this thread.
Our county has gotten REALLY bad on truancy, its amazing! Also we have noticed if we go out during normal school hours we can LOTS of questions about why they aren’t in school, how does home school work and curious looks too! We have our ID cards from Daniel 1 for those reason exactlys. Our family doctor even questioned us and went as far as to ask me where I ordered their curriculum to make sure we were giving them what they needed! (we no longer see that dr.) I am amazed because we live in a small town! However our school board is VERY strict, and will give you a call if you have a child that is 5 and not enrolled, which is sad because TN law says they don’t have to be enrolled until age of 6. So thats one of the reasons we really went with Daniel 1 because they are so good at handling our county and their truancy laws! I hope not everyone has to deal with these things! We don’t anymore and I am thankful!