My family are Georgians for many genrations. We lived in S. Ga. as a child and I warn you-it gets real hot and humid! It will be a shock to the system from your time in England.
Yes, you’ll be able to hang laundry almost all year round and have a four season garden, too. I do here in N. Ga. You’ll have to look into which plants to plant in the Fall and which to do in Spring (for example, the onion family and garlic are better in Fall gardens down here and others you can do two plantings, like potatoes, greens and peas). If you have any questions about that, there are those of us here that could help you.
You’ll be able to visit Savannah and the islands off the coast there (good historical value, like Oglethorpe, too and lovely) and ya’ll will be able to easily get to Florida; southern Alabama, too has beautiful beaches.
Will you be close to Valdosta? I know a HS’ling from my Congregation that lives there.
We will be in Valdosta. I found only 1 Christian homeschool group so far. I have been to Valdosta before but only briefly. We know 1 family there that homeschools, I am waiting for some advice form her but ould welcome any you could offer specific to that area.
I have been to Savannah as my husband lived ther for 4 years and his parents for 6. Savannah is beautiful.
I know it is hot and humid and that will take a while to get use to but I am ready!
I am so ready for a garden and once we move I would love some advice. My daughter likes to dig in the dirt like a boy so hopefully I can get her interested in this instead!
I don’t know; I suppose so. Though it’s not that detailed for such a thing, IMO. I do print out the detailed printout for each child and then write a quick summary from that printout.
You don’t have to turn it in, so if it’s enough for you to know the extent of what they did during the year, then I guess go with it.
Do I have to put my 5yo on the homeschool registration forms? It only asks for ages and the other stuff says something about once they are 7, but it doesn’t make it clear if I have to put him down.
Compulsory Attendance Ages: “between 6th and 16th birthdays.” Official Code of Georgia Annotated � 20-2-690.1. However, if a child is under 6 and has attended more than 20 days in a public school, he is then subject to the compulsory attendance laws. � 20-2-150(C).
I don’t think so. Remember, you don’t have to put their birthday on the form (some county forms have asked for that info.), only their age; so not till next year.
Rachel is correct! Don’t give them more info!! My son has a late birthday. He is 6 and will be close to 7 when I register him! What is so nice about homeschooling is that he will be doing 2nd grade work! Both boys would have been put in K when it was time or 1st when it was time…and they would have been truly bored!