Homeschool in the Woods Timeline Figures…

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  • MamaSnow

    We’ve been given some gift money and I am eyeing the full set of the Homeschool in the Woods Timeline Figures…but yikes, they are pricy.  Have any of you used these?  Are they worth the price?   I know you can probably google images for free, but I sure like the time-saving aspect of not having to hunt them up all the time.  And they are lovely images.

    The alternative use of this money would be to buy more picture books for my preschoolers for our home library – we live overseas most of the time without library access, so I like to have a nice variety of books at home for my littles.

    What would you do?


    We have the stickers, and my son enjoys looking for the ones we currently study. The stickers are sorted according to time period which is handy. Great quality too.

    If I were you, I would just consider how many picture books I have and if my little ones are still enjoying them. If so, then I would do the stickers and get more books later if still desired.



    I just wrote a blog post about our timeline and some free clip art online. It is very cartoon-ish, but cute. I don’t know if you would be interested in it or not, but it’s free 🙂

    Here’s a link:


    I bought the Homeschool in the Woods CD, preprinted pages, and hardback timeline books for my oldest three children when they were 4, 6, and 8. I decided to wait to use them. Five years later, I finally gave these to the now 9, 11, and 13 year olds. They love assembling their timeline book at their own pace using the placement guide and working chronologically…independent from what they are studying in history. It has become a special project outside of their regular studies. For their own history studies, I prefer to use the Book of Centuries method and especially like Christie and Sonya’s new BOC set up. I plan to use Homeschool in the Woods timeline figures again with my younger children when they are older and can do it independently…and we will print them out on 8.5×11 mailing labels (Amazon sells 100 pack for $25) for efficiency.


    We’re also using Homeschool in the Woods CD and timeline notebook for our family history studies.  My eldest is only 6-going-on-7 so it’s more my baby at the moment!  I love the pictures and visual aspect of them, and I just couldn’t see myself trying to find free clipart etc.  I also really like the look and feel of the figures, because I like everything to look the same!  We used to use the stickers from Sonlight, which were also great, but I decided to splash out and buy the CD because it has so many more figures, enough for future projects too.  I also like being able to see the picture with a short description under it as I page through…  


    I would definitely splurge and get them.  I don’t think it will be a purchase you would regret!

    Not to deprive your preschoolers, but I would go for the timeline figures. They are a great investment, I think, because it would take so much time to google all those images. Plus I think the little guys are really ok with only a few books – they love to be read the same thing over and over (much to my dismay, ha!). Plus you can always make up stories for the little guys too… All in all I think its easier to find ways to live with the books you have for that age or pick one up here or there when you have a few spare $ or someone donates/gives a gift, etc. while the timeline figures are really an “investment”, kwim? 🙂

    Lesley Letson

    not long ago I found a used Homeschool in the Woods Timeline figure CD for $10 (much less than brand new) – you may want to check for a used one and could get a deal??? I was a bit skeptical, but I got it and it was “like new” just like the listing said. 


    Thanks ladies – the more I think about it the more I think that the timeline figures will have the investment value of being able to be used in multiple projects over the years, whearas we do have other means of increasing our picture book collections via gifts and those finds here and there that we pick up as we come across them. And I know that if I have to google or hunt up freebies online all the time, I will end up getting behind and just quitting. Just thinking through some of the things I would have liked to have put onto our list for next year’s school materials, but just couldn’t make them fit into the budget!

    @Janell – I LOVE the idea of printing them on sticker paper – never would have thought of that – brilliant!



    I have found several free clip art programs, but I really want the Homeschool set.  I don’t want to have to keep wasting time trying to find an appropriate picture everytime I want one.  They are on my list next.  =)  If you get the CD you can reuse all the time for all the children.  I like that…we have 4 kiddos.  Plus they have a little placement guide to help you know where you’re going with the figures space-wise.  That might be handy too. =)

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