Homeschool humor

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  • MissusLeata

    My oldest was talking to his cousin when the tea time bell rang. We do “tea time” for literature and poetry and the kids usually really look forward to it. But when I told my son he had to get off the phone, I heard him tell his cousin, “I have to go, it’s tea time. I think my mom got the idea from some British book.”


    🙂 🙂 🙂



    Too funny!

    Side note – I love the idea of tea time but not sure where to fit it in our day since I struggle to get through AM lessons by 12:30pm.

    Do you do it in AM or PM? For how long? Every day?


    I generally do it at 2:00 pm. Most of the kids are usually done with school by then and have been playing, but are happy for a snack or cup of tea. We aim for everyday, but it usually happens several times a week.

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