Homeschool co-op


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  • tandc93

    I am the coordinator for a homeschool co-op.  We’re having trouble filling a k-2 spot with a class and a teacher.  The other two classes are arts/crafts and a CM artist/composer/hymn study.  Looking for something active.  There’s a little space outside, but not a ton.  9 children.  Ideas?  Thinking some team building activities would be good, but I don’t know where to look.



    Here are things that have been a hit for our cm group.

    – hands on science of any kind

    – art all about the process

    – American girl book club with very cool corresponding crafts. Quality.

    – game time (playground and board)

    – 101 things kids need to know (various life skills)

    – were thinking of doing Outdoor Secrets with the companion this coming year

    – nature study

    – knex or Lego

    – recorder


    Years ago, we were in a co-op in another town and used FIAR for this age group. It worked wonderfully! And, it introduced mothers to using living books for learning! There was an outside play break in a small area and a simple snack.


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