Homeschool book suggestion for interested mother in law

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  • Kristina

    We are planning on homeschooling our children (currently almost 4 and 2). My mother-in-law is very open and interested in learning more about it. She asked if I had any book suggestions for her to read, so I thought I’d see if any of you had ideas of what you think might be a good book to share with her to introduce her to the idea of homeschooling and/or Charlotte Mason as we’re leaning toward this philosophy. Thanks!


    I’m sure you’ll get lots of great book suggestions, I mostly learned from websites. But how wonderful! Your MIL sounds so supportive. What a great start!


    How wonderful that she’s interested! I highly recommend “For the Children Sake.” It’s the book that turned me towards CM and I think any grandma would love the childhood it describes for their grandchildren:)


    Don’t forget the free ebooks here by SCM, some of those may be great for her. Another resource would be pointing her to blogs of homeschooling families.


    I second the “For the Children’s Sake”


    Thanks for the ideas! I just realized too that I could pass along my copy of the all-day seminar. Those DVDs would give her a great overview of Charlotte Mason. 🙂

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