homemade toothpaste

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  • petitemom

    I would recommand to anyone wanting to try the Bentonite Clay recipe I posted originaly to do a smaller amount to try it first.

    After reading your post Corie I decided to give it another try w/my kids, one trew up, one made me swear to never use that again and one cried!! Only my husband, my oldest son and I like it.

    I made another recipe w/Coconut oil, Arrowroot,Xylotol, essential oils and tea tree oil, much better result w/the kiddos.


    Corie – thanks for that recipe – I just stopped at whole foods to pick up the Calcium powder (does anyone else feel like they stick out like a sore thumb there? – whole foods… maybe it’s just me) – looking forward to trying it when I get the xylitol (sp) from Azure on Wednesday!


    I do not like Whole Foods, go there for a couple of things. Last time I went I had someone mumbling and giving me dirty looks because I parked in the high efficiency parking spots (always sort of resented that sign).

    Seriously, buy me a high efficiency car that fits 4 kids and that can make it up our steep driveway and I’ll drive it!!

    I do not like the atmosphere of that store!


    I have been using the Bentonite recipe (the bulkherbstore one)for a few days now and I will have to trow the whole thing away. I feel so stupid I didn’t start w/a smaller batch.

    For anyone seeing that link and considering to make that recipe I do not recommand or at least make a small batch to try first. Cinnamon is the problem for me, it is hurting my gums and my husbands gums like crazy. I remember now having that problem w/other cinnamon toothpaste before but didn’t know that’s what it was.

    I am switching to the coconut recipe for now, may try other Bentonite clay recipe later.

    Corie or anyone else making the recipe w/the calcium carbonate, does the calcium change the taste a lot? I would like to know before buying it.



    I’ve been using the calcium recipe for a few days now… But I think I got calcium citrate as opposed to carbonate.  We’re loving it, I flavored it with a bit of peppermint extract (I didn’t have an essential oil) and it tastes quite nice – my 8 yo dd is brushing after every meal just as an excuse to use it more. 


    petitemom-This is the only toothpaste recipe I have ever used, so I cannot say what the calcium carbonate does to the taste.  I know that for me, the peppermint essential oil and/or Thieves helps a lot.  I know that isn’t very helpful.  I’m sorry!


    No problem, thanks for answering! I made the recipe you posted but but Bentonite Clay instead of the calcium and DE. It is so yummy and the texture is way much better than the other recipe I had tried. I have been reading you can use egg shells instead of buying calcium, might try to add that next time…

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