Hello Everyone, There are so many wonderful moms on here who use herbal/home remedies! Does anyone know of an herbal remedy for swimmers ear? We’re quite positive that’s what my daughter has, but I’m hoping to avoid a trip to the drs office. 🙂
Thanks for taking time out of your school day to answer my question.
When you tug on the ear, does it hurt? If so, it might be an infection. If not, it’s probably swimmer’s ear.
To dry out the water that is in there, you can try drops made from one part white vinegar with one part alcohol. I get swimmer’s ear rather frequently and I like to put a small piece of cotton ball in my ear. I think reclining so any wetness will drain out feels helpful, too.
There are over-the-counter drops to use as well for swimmer’s ear, available at the drug store.
My son got swimmers ear this summer. ( we were swimming in the swamplakes) Anyway, a couple of days later he woke to an “earache” I’ve always run to the dr for that. I was surprised to see teh dr send a nurse in to “irrigate the ears.” Seven children from 19 down to 5 yrs old and I’ve never seen this done. Here is what happened:
The nurse brought in a small container of very warm water (not hot) She took a syringe with no metal and caught up the water and had him tilt his head toward his shoulder. She then pointed the syringe full of warm water up into his ear. He claims that it tickles! Out of his hear came algea looking matter. No wonder his ear was sore! His ear ache was that his ear hurt to touch. Not running any fever, no colds or allergies acting up. His ear felt immediately better.
Now when ever we go swimming in the back lakes; I am irrigating everyone! It was explained to me that this is something you can do if a child’s ears are very “dirty” or waxy as well.
When my husband gets swimmers ear, he irrigates with a solution of 2 parts water to one part hydrogen peroxide.
We do what Esby does after every swim to prevent it. But if that doesn’t work (every once and again) I use Mullein Garlic oil. It’s worked for all of our children.
We do what Esby does after every swim to prevent it. But if that doesn’t work (every once and again) I use Mullein Garlic oil. It’s worked for all of our children.
I was going to suggest garlic oil as well. We’ve never dealt with swimmer’s ear, but both of my children had ear infections last summer. We treated them naturally by alternating drops of garlic oil and drops of hydrogen peroxide, about once every hour or so. The only thing you need to exercise caution with is the hydrogen peroxide. Do not put it in the ear unless you’re positive the ear drum isn’t ruptured. I took my ds to the doctor to be sure his eardrum was intact before administering the peroxide in his ear because he was having difficulty hearing us. Sure enough, he was fine, and the doctor really wanted to prescribe an antibiotic, but we nicely refused.
I hope you get the swimmer’s ear resolved before it turns into an infection, but at least you know you can treat an ear infection without antibiotics.
Garlic, Mullein…YEP! We warm it up and that is soothing and helps w/ the pain. I have one daughter that these do NOT work on, nothing does, until we go get antibiotic drops BUT..for the other kids I do this. We do not take oral antibiotics unless this doesn’t work. I tend to go natural as much as possible and when they get done swimming we do a 1/2 vinegar 1/2 alcohol solution in their ears, this tends to keep the infection away.
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