Has anyone used “Home Geography for Primary Grades” by C.C. Long? It looks like a sweet book. Would it be used as a supplement or by itself? Thoughts???
BTW…I’m very thankful for this discussion forum, and for all the ideas you share. The Lord in His kindness has a precious way of leading us to “treasures” like this forum. Thank you for sharing and encouraging me in my home schooling journey, and for easing my mind as I teach the CM way. 🙂
I have it downloaded on my iPad but we haven’t used it yet. We’re reading through Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography right now (along with Book of Marvels and Visits to Europe, each about once a week.) It looks good, though, so hopefully we can use it next year.
I think I have it scheduled for one of the kids next year, but I can’t remember which one. But no, haven’t used it yet. But it is the sole Geography book we’d use, other than something like Minn of the Mississippi or something like that. I don’t have my plans in front of me for next year or I could tell you more exactly.
I use it with my 7 year old. If you are using the free kindle version it will refer to pictures that are not there. The lessons are very short. I really like it but be prepared to google pictures, maps and further information about the topic. Sometimes it ponders questions to the student but doesn’t tell you the answers. It really is a great way to get you started and cover basic geography in a short, interesting way.
Thank you very much for your suggestions. Sorry for getting back so late! 🙁 I am also considering using it for next year for my second grader. Once again, thank you for your input, and for the heads up about the Kindle version not having pictures to refer to. 🙂
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