home-ec for boys

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  • alice

    Last year I bought some books from Pearables.  I got Lessons in Responsibility for Girls.  It’s a Home-Ec book series.  I’ve skimmed through it, and pretty much everything it teaches (nutrition, cooking, baking, cleaning, sewing, organizing and hospitality) I want my sons to know as well.  It’s a good chance that they will be on their own before marriage and leaning life skills is good.  I was just wondering if anyone knew of a book or something that teaches these things that in not such a “girly” way.  I don’t think there is any reason my sons should be helpless in those areas!  I know I can just teach him these things, but having a book or something to follow can be nice!


    blue j

    I chose not to do a book but rather had my son work next to me in the kitchen, laundry, sewing, etc.  Though I didn’t look extremely hard, I didn’t really find anything that looked like it would interest my son.  However, I did have him keep a notebook where he wrote his favorite recipes, laundry tips, etc.

    FWIW, L is an extremely good cook and can wash, hang, and fold laundry with the best of them, and if pressed, can sew on a button or stitch a seam if he has to, though that is by far his least favorite activity.


    I have all boys and agree with bluej. Better to just have them at your side learning these things & carrying them out through their own chores & doing their own laundry, fixing dinner for the family…say 1 night a week, etc. Also, equally (if not more) important is having them at dads side, as he fixes the sink, changes the oil in the car, cuts down a tree, etc. ;).  We never did the notebook but that sounds like a great idea!


    I think I at least need a list of things to teach, or a way to keep track.  If I think I will just casually teach him as I go through my day, it just won’t happen. I know myself too well!  I am going to get some kids cookbooks from the library as a way to guide him in this (he’s 7).  I need a plan or it won’t happen! Thanks for your ideas.


    That Young Mans Handibook looks great! In addition to cookbooks, you might like this book also Life Skills for Kids. We haven’t used it yet but I’ve heard its an excellent resource.


    I saw Life Skills for Kids while I was searching online, and it does look good.  I clicked on the link for The Young Man’s Handybook, and from what I can tell it looks like exactly what I am looking for!  There are several pages you can look at in the book and I really liked what I saw.

    Thanks everyone so much for responding to my question!!!

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