holding a pencil correctly

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  • melindab72

    Hello! My younger dd holds her pencil in a very strange way, and always has. I have tried and tried to get her to hold it correctly. I gently remind her and fix her fingers. But she gets so frustrated when I do it, and her handwriting looks much worse when she tries to hold it the right way. Then if her pencil goes back down and she picks it up again she’s right back at it the old way.

    Should I just let it go and hope that she changes her ways as she gets older? My reminding seems to be making her hate copywork. Oh, she’s 8 years old. Thanks!


    What about getting a pencil grip that positions her fingers and stays on the pencil? There are many kinds (and it will take a little bit to get used to it, but not long if you are consistent). We use these ones:


    They work for R or L handed and are marked so you know where to place your thumb (on the R or L).


    Hmm! We’ve used pencil grips in the past but they’ve been the triangular ones, I’ve never seen ones like these. Thank you, Tristan! We’ll give it a try.

    I’ve tried them all, and this is by far the best for us!!!


    It is so comfortable and my children don’t complain (even my left handed ones!)

    Richele Baburina

    Hi Melinda,

    I posted this question about my child’s pencil grip a few years back:


    After receiving the replies, I decided not to change his grip. He now has the same grip and really nice handwriting. I’ve also noticed in that time — through documentaries I’ve seen — that children in Finland and in Japan hold their pencils like my son, though he is left-handed and the children I observed were right-handed. This leads me to wonder if the question of “wrong way, right way” might be cultural.

    Anyhow, that was our experience and I’m glad I didn’t make him change his grip.




    So…good handwriting? And her grip isn’t causing her or anyone else pain or discomfort?

    My inclination would be to leave it alone. It is something that could have been corrected maybe when she was really little, but I wouldn’t worry about it now. As Richele said, children all over the world hold their pencils differently. The main thing is for writing to become neat and natural for her.




    My younger daughter always held her pencil in a way that I thought was incorrect. Her middle finger holds it in place instead of her pointer. I have seen others hold their pencils this way and after trying to get her to change last year in 1st grade I quit and just let her hold it how she wants. Her handwriting doesn’t seem to suffer although I did have her change the angle of her arm as she was starting to write like some left handers do with their hand at the top of the page almost like they are writing upside down. I corrected that but not her grip and she writes neatly just the same.


    I have a daughter – now 12 – that has a “bad” grip.  I never noticed it at all, to tell the truth, until her grandma tried to teach her to crochet when she was about 8 or 9.  We both hold the hook “like we hold a pencil” – dd just could not get the movements smooth and easy with crocheting, and finally I realized she was holding the hook all weird.  Then I noticed that is how she holds her pencil. 

    I tried for a whole school year to “correct” the grip – I used the ergonomic grip linked to on amazon in a post above, for one thing, and she was cooperative, but it just never stuck.  She is very artistic and draws a lot – every day.  She writes a lot and has fine handwriting.  She is good with her hands, she can type and has good fine motor skills – although she eventually got too frustrated with crochet. She might be able to master the strange (to her) grip that is needed for the hook now that she is more mature.

    I do wish I had been paying attention to the grip when she was forming the habit, very young, but honestly now that she is older it does not seem to make much difference.  


    Oh Gem!  That is so funny. My neighbor came back today and we were discussing the same thing!  Amazing. LOL  Anyway, We were discussing that her Grandmother taught her an underhanded crochet.  I said, “Boy that looks like you are doing that left handed.  She said, ” That’s funny because my Grandmother was Left handed.”  My friend was also left handed, Well omnidexterous until her father broke her left hand to get her to use her right.  Well, I think that is a little extreme but she is now right handed. 

      Anyway, We wanted to teach my daughter to crochet.  she said,” she is to young because she doesn’t hold it right.” I laughed and said, “I learned when I was under 5 years old.”   So, we compared how we held our strings and our hooks and I hold mine like a pencil and so does my daughter.  So, I guess it all depends on who is going to teach her.  I am guessing it will be me. LOL…   My daughter loves to spend time with her and has adopted her as a Grandma.  So she wanted her to teach her… I think it would be more of a problem though since she already has been holding her pencil correctly all this time… 🙂

      On the other hand.  My son was never caught holding his pencil the right way so I tried to retrain him.  He does have better hand writing when he holds it wrong but I had heard that it will fatigue his hand and he won’t write very long.  

       We also discussed how my friends husband was taught how to hold a pencil and he said he learned the “electic” way.  You should be able to hold a pencil so softly that someone could grab it out of your hand when you were writing. They made big circles and curls to learn how to hold the pencil.  I do remember my dad teaching me this when I was a young girl.  His mom studied to be a secretary and had beautiful handwriting and that is how she taught him. This is also how I taught my daughter and tried to teach my son. When he didn’t learn I bought those pencil grips that look like bubble gum stuck around the pencil.  He used them for awhile but then went back to his own style.  So, I guess I should let him be fatiqued and not worry about it. ????   Or move to Japan or China and we will just fit in. 🙂


    Hi everyone, sorry it took me so long to respond! In between here and the time I posted I came down with the flu, LOL. But it’s over and done with now. Laughing

    Thank you all for your great advice. I’m talking it over with dh to see what he thinks. It’s really wonky, the way she holds it. I don’t like frustrating her, but I myself hold my pencil in a strange way, and it did cause problems for me when I was in high school. I would get a cramped hand and a sore spot on my finger when I’d write long essays.

    I should have nipped this much earlier though, I suppose!


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