Has anyone used Hold That Thought notebooking pages? I purchased the Bible discs and thought these would be great to use with my boys. However, I’m a bit confused as to how to use them. Would I just have them go through each of the bible events listed, read the scriptures and then have them write out their narration on the page? How have you all used these? I would like to use Penny Gardners listed scripture stories (thanks to Michelle for the idea 🙂 ) and wondered if it would be possible to incorporate HTT with these.
I have some of the world history pages. Yes, I’d think you could use them to put narrations on of the Bible stories. I don’t remember how many pages there are, but here is a free site with some other Bible notebooking pages:
I wouldn’t wear myself out to have those pages only, but if you happened to have them sitting in a file and could just pull them out and have them write or dictate their narration, OR copy a pertinent verse, then they could decorate the pages. Some children really like that.
What a great free site. You are so resource-full- thank you. I know I’ll just have to find what works best for my boys. I’m going to attempt written bible narrations with my oldest ds who has only done oral narrations to this point. We’ll see how it goes.
Thanks again.
(Who is blushing because she has asked so many questions this week- I think she has reached her limit 🙂 )
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