History/Geography Modules 5 & 6 Questions

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  • MariePowell

     This is our first year with SCM; we love your forum and have gained so much from your insights!  We are jumping into American History this year with  5th and 7th graders.  They were bored with their previous studies in private school, an simply wanted to learn about our natiion for a change.  My questions: (and keep in mind both are ADHD/?etc)Rather than skip back and forth from American to World each week, is there any problem with just starting with Columbus and ending with modern times (and then go to the beginning of module 5’s World History- start to finish)? Also, I have skimmed over the corresponding Sailing Alone Around the World (some said was very hard to enjoy?) and “map drill” materials; which start with South America…Since my kids already have some trouble ( and so does mom) keeping focus and things in order, wouldn’t it make better sense to do “map drills” that specifically coincide with the topics being covered (ie American Geography- maybe starting with the paths the explorers took, then locations of early settlements etc., instead of trying to memorize/label a map of South America in the same week?  The jumping around makes me nervous, but at the same time we don’t want to deviate too much and miss something important.  If so, what other geography books would you recommend- I haven’t purchased the Uncle map book yet; is it good for this change of approch I’m considerring, or, is there a better substitution you like? I also noticed that the SCM guide recommends that we simply start all 6 modules over once completed.  Are we too behind to do this for a 7th grader just starting this curriculum?  We are not too far away from HS, and will need to check on pre-reqs for college should they wish to go.  If needed, are there any SCM Government or other so-called HS curricula, or, do most feel these modules are sufficient for college prep?  Sorry so many questions…just nervous about getting it right!  Thanks for your thoughts.


    Welcome!  I think it should work out fine to do American, then World….just more planning for you. And I would keep a timeline to help the kids keep things straight. Yes, I would try to do the map drills that coincide w/your studies. You could simply use Uncle Josh’s book for maps of the areas you’re studying.

    My eldest is only going into 7th…so I can’t offer h.s. advice from experience:) We’re starting w/Module 1 next year.  It would simplify things for you if you could start w/module one and do things as written, and then you’d have both world history and american for h.s. credit.  If you really want to start w/American, you’ll just have to think about combining/shortening some modules so you can spend some time in h.s. on American history.

    I plan to add in Econ. and Gov’t. from other sources in h.s. Notgrass is supposed to be good. I plan to use resources from Ambleside Online and Truthquest.  HTH some:) Blessings, Gina


    We are in the middle of module 5 with a ds8 &dd5. We are using Stowaway audiobook 1X per week. It is a recommended alternative for geo. and my kids like it. They narrate and we do the SA map drill using free ouline maps found online.

    I did not like all the skipping back and forth of world and American history so we do one for about 6 weeks or so and then the other, marking off lessons as we go. Also, we have studied pilgrims enough and skippef ahead on some of it. And we are adding in some extra audiobooks for Revolution with Mara Pratt and Your Story Hour. I don’know the exact quote, but remember to let the guide help you but don’t be a slave to it.

    It was nice to study the Englidh rulers and other happenings of the times, but we just stayed with it for a while and then switched to Am. history. That’s what worked for us.


    Here is the link that I use for outline maps:


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