History/Bible Module 1 & 2 in one year?

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    I feel silly asking this but I’m new to making my own plan for the year.  I plan to use Sonya’s guide books but am trying to figure out how to work Bible, Ancient Egypt and Greece together in one year.  I know I saw on the forum that Egypt could be done in about 12 weeks (term 1) and then Greece for term 2 & 3 but I am having a hard time deciding how that would work.  Would that be too much for 1st, 4th and 5th graders?   


    We are planning on doing Ancient History (Egypt, Greece & Rome) in one year.  We are doing a 4 year history rotation.  While Bible will not necessarily be in line chronologically with history, we felt this was a better fit for our family just so the kids could have more exposure to the history rotation cycle.  It is very doable.  As you mentioned, the history portion in the modules covers (roughly) 12 weeks.  I had asked Sonya in the past if SCM would be willing to do just a bible stand-alone but while I wait, I went ahead and extricated the bible portion for our family, and then extricated the history portions so they could stand alone (I’ve purchased all of the available modules).  I did this solely for our family.  Hope this helps!


    Angie-I’m interested in hearing what exactly you will be covering as far as the history goes if you are doing modules 1, 2, and 3 in one year.  Will you have to cut anything out?  I’m trying to combine modules 2 and 3 into one year, and was just curious to find someone else as an example.




    Meagan-I am following the original module 1 that I purchased a few years ago.  We are not needing to cut out any resources and I looked high and low to get the books originally recommended (Growing up in Ancient Egypt/Greece/Rome, Croco-Nile, Seeker of Knowledge, etc).  If you look at the history portion in the modules seperately, the history is actually only a few weeks long so I actually had to add resources to get even 10 complete weeks out of each section (Egypt/Greece/Rome — got some great books from Beautiful Feet to fill in the blanks).    Now, I am working with a 1st & 3rd grader only, so it may be a bit harder if you’re working with higher grades (I’ll worry about that in four years!).  Also,we don’t do geography separately — we look up the lands talked about in all of our books as we go along.  As I mentioned, bible will not follow chronologically with the history, but that really is not a big deal with us.

    I used the Planning Your CM Education pages and found that it was easy for me to combine the modules this way.  When I was trying to do things on my own I was very frustrated but following the guidelines the way it’s laid out in P/CM Education it was actually quite simple.  Hope this helped!!


    Do you do history every day or just a few days a week?


    Good evening! I’m brand new to this forum, my sister suggested I join! I’m working with much older kids, mine are 12, 14, and maybe 17(not sure if I can get him to do another ancients year!) and I’m going to attempt to get through all 3 of the modules for Egypt/Greece and Rome in one year… I’m not at all sure if it’s doable..or if it IS doable, if it’s wise…but we’ve dabbled in the ancients before, so they’re all somewhat familiar with the topics… I am also going to be adding Teaching the Classics and IEW level C the first year (B for my 12 yr old) and Windows to the World (a literary analysis program from IEW) the next…Ideally, the 2nd year in “my” rotation would include the Middle Ages Module, and whatever comes next (!!) and the Windows to the World literary analysis program… I’d love to hear from anybody who is working with older kids… I think I maybe have bitten off more than I can chew.. especially since I work afternoons 3 days a week-out of the home….but I’m hoping this will work! I want to do the modules in their entirety..including the Bible Studies…those look fantastic!!!!  Love to hear from anyone out there…

    Holly, in Canada


    We’ll be doing history between 3 and 5 days, depending on what resource we’re using.  We’ll also be doing projects from the Spend the Day in Ancient Egypt/Greece/Rome books that I purchased off of Amazon. I’m not sure if those books are considered twaddle, but they are written in story format and each chapter has 2 -5 projects, we’ll be reading a chapter one day and doing a project the next, hopefully covering 2 chapters per week (the chapters are pretty short and we won’t be doing all of the projects listed).  What I also like about the books is that at the end of each one, there is a menu to have a feast, so I know my kids will particularly like that one.   I won’t spend too much time with these books, but if  you look, for example, on the Rome section under the SCM curriclum guide, it lists only 2 books for the age group we need (1-3 grade), so I wanted to add more info on this time period.  After we read Pompeii, we’re going to build a volcano. 

    This works for us right now because, like I said, there are few resources listed in the curriculum guide for 1st-3rd grade.  I may have an issue covering the ancients once we hit the higher grades, but I’ll worry about it then.  Each time period will be between 7 – 10 weeks, including lots of hands on projects, with the resources I have, so for us, it is very doable.  Those 7-10 weeks also include me stretching out some of the books on the list.  Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions — I don’t have all the answers but so far I have managed to tweak our schedule pretty good!!


    So Angie, how are you working the Bible portion?  Are you still covering the same amount of Bible that is in the three modules but in one year?


    We’ll be following bible as it’s in the modules, 4 days a week — I’m assuming that eventually it will not line up with history, as I’ve stated — and we are not going to cram bible in one year.  I know that was the beauty of the modules in that bible was in line chronologically with history but when I went thru the planner, the option to plan history was 4, 5, & 6 years, and I chose to go with a 4 year rotation.  With my older kids (14, 16, 17 & 19), my husband and I read the bible with them in the evening and we also follow study guides — (currently going thru Christian Survival Kit, 5 Keys To Effective Spiritual Growth) — so this upcoming year I’ll be starting over and going thru bible as it’s laid out in the modules.  That’s why I say I am assuming that bible and history will not line up eventually.  Hope this helps!


    Thanks Angie and everyone else, this helps clear things up in my mind.


    Yes, thank you ladies!!


    I am working with older kids (11 and up) so I was more concerned about fitting in all the “independent” reading.  I just got the guides for module 2 and 3 and am going to start looking them over and seeing what I can do!!

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