History Spines

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  • Britney

    I am homeschooling my 7 year old daughter and next year we are going Charlotte Mason all the way. The only question I still have is about history. If I buy and use the new study guide for module 1, will I still need to use a history spine or is the guide enough? If I need to, what do you recommend? Also, how do you use it?


    We are just finishing Mod 1 with my 7 & 4 year old but I have the old version.  I do not use anything additional except little extras (Egypt puzzle or whatever)  From what I have, I would think the additional work for upper grade levels would also be enough.  We use it just as the lessons describe and you can download sample pages from this site.  It is very easy to use, we do 4 lessons per week, again with the old version.  We love it and are really looking forward to mod 2 next year.

    Sonya Shafer

    Britney, the handbook for module 1 pulls together all of these suggested books into daily lesson plans. It tells you what to read each day and gives pre-reading review ideas, teaching tips, exam questions, and optional hands-on activities.

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