History Reads 1900s-present

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  • Tristan

    Oi! Sometimes I want somebody else to do the curriculum planning for me. Help a momma out! Has anyone read a great history related book for American History from 1900-Present? Makayla wants to hit on wars/conflicts (WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, etc), events (Great Depression, Space Race, Civil Rights movement), and interesting/important people (so many possibilities!) for 11th grade. I’ve read some books that fit a few of these (mainly WWI/WWII). Requirements: No sex. Preferably low on profanity, but if not just give me a warning. I’ll be pre-reading things too, so if you just remember you loved a book but can’t remember if it had anything questionable just let me know. 🙂 Thanks!


    Brock and Bodie Thoene wrote a series of books about WWII and each book focused on a country and what happened as they were invaded. The story usually focused on the people who were trying to resist as best they could under the circumstances. I learned a lot about WWII – and laughed and cried along the way. (They reminded me a bit of the set up of the Prelude to Glory and The Work and the Glory – how the families are fictional, yet involved in the details for good and bad.) There are 9 books in the series, which is called The Zion Covenant. The first book is named Vienna Prelude. There is violence because of the war situations, but nothing gratuitous. Don’t think that there is swearing, and they are Christian writers so no sex. This is war, though, so there are situations that make you sad that humans can be so cruel to other human beings.




    Both of my kids enjoyed a book about General Patton titled Old Blood and Guts. lol-that was his nickname. I can’t remember the author.

    That’s all I can think of off of the top of my head. I’ll try to post more later. 🙂


    Read Hidden Figures. I have not seen the movie but the book covers from WW II throught the early 70s. It covers civil rights without the gruesome violance.  Mentions things like the cold war and other events that occur at the time.  It talks about JFK not seeing the moon landing that he pushed NSAS to conquer, but does not touch on the details.  I plan on using this book when we hit high school.  It gives a different view of the civil right movement. I enjoyed it.

    Sandra Wade

    Thoene Books!  Their Shiloh series covers The Great Depression in America.


    I have not read all these yet. We are still making our way through them, but this year we are covering from 1900’s – present day and this is the list I came up with. This list is in no particular order although when I entered them into our schedule, I did place them chronologically.

    America and Vietnam: The Elephant and the Tiger by Albert Mann

    Anna’s Fight for hope: The Great Depression (Sister’s inTime #20) by Joanne Grote

    Anne Frank’s Story: Her Life Retold for Children by Carol Ann Lee

    Big Annie of Calumet: A True Story of the Industrial REvolution by Jerry Stanley — We didn’t finish this one…..mainly because it was boring to all of us. Very informative, plenty of pictures, just covered a small time period very thoroughly and it got old. LOL

    Cassie’s War by Allan Winkler

    Children of the Great Depression by Russell Freedman

    Cracker!: The Best Dog in Vietnam by Cynthia Kadohata

    Early Summer Morning: The Pearl Harbor of Amber Billows, Hawii 1941 (Dear America Series) by Barry Denenberg

    Freya on the Wall by T. Degens

    Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson )Loved this one….set in Montana during WWI

    Hero over Here: A story of World War I by Kathleen V Kudlinski

    Hiroshima by Laurence Yep

    Hold on Tight by Heather Klassen

    I have a Dream by Martin Luther King by Margaret Davidson

    Journey to Ellis Island

    Liberty by Curlee

    Laura’s Victory: End of the Second World War (sister’s in time #24) by Veta Jones

    Liberty Girl by Robert Black

    Little Britches by Ralph Moody

    My name is America: The Journal of Patrick Seamus Flaherty, USMarine Corps by Ellen White

    Rascal by John Schoenherr

    Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry by Mildred Taylor

    Rosa Parks by Marc Nobleman

    Rose’s Journal: The story of a girl in the Great Depression by Marissa Moss

    Sergeant York Movie

    Soldier Boys by Dean hughes

    The Empty Schoolhouse by Natalie Carlson

    Family Under the Bridge by Natalie Carlson

    The Great Wheel by Robert Lawson

    Winged Watchman by Hilda Stockum

    The Wright Brothers by Quentin Reynolds

    The Yanks are coming by Albert Marrin )REading this one now and it is very thorough. I am using my son’s risk game board and trying to give a visual as to who is fighting whom and who are allies with whom. Helps us all to keep it all straight. LOL

    Tomorrow, the River by Diane Gray

    Victory in the Pacific by Albert Marrin

    Voyage on the Great Titanic: The Diary of Margaret Ann Brady by Ellen Emerson White –Loved this one, but we are fans of journal type books.

    Waiting for Anya by Michael Maorpurgo

    Where have all the flowers Gone? the diary of Molly MacKenzie by Ellen white

    John F Kennedy by White

    Number the Stars by Lois Lowry


    I try and read at least two books from different perspectives and then I will have kids read on their own a third perspective if possible. We then discuss the differences etc. from a certain time period or event.

    hope this helps……

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