1. Why does SCM not do World History along with American History like so many other Charlotte Mason followers?
2. I have totally messed up our rotation, and need help figuring out how this will all pan out….We did Module 1 last year, and then ,per my children’s request, am doing Module 5 (American history) this year. My children are in 2nd and 3rd grades. How do I plan this out so that we can do it all?
3.Is there a spine book for Module 5 that anyone suggests? So far we have read Leif the Lucky, Pocahontas, and are finishing up Columbus (all by D’Aulaire). We have also added in some readers on their levels, and American Pioneers and Patriots (Christian Liberty Press). I plan on continuing with the books listed for 1st-3rd grades on the Module 5 list.
4. What is the best way to make a simple, logical time line for my children to use before we begin our Book of Centuries?
Question 2: I don’t think you’ve messed up your rotation at all. If you want to keep American History Module 5 this year, I would either do Module 1 next year or do Module 6 and then start over again. As young as your kids are, you will still hit every Module and even repeat some with your oldest.
If it were me (since you’ve already done Module 1 last year, right?) I would keep the chronology going and just do Module 6 next year and then back to 1 with fresh eyes and more years of separation.
Question 3: There was a thread about this very subject a couple of weeks ago. I’ll try to find it for you.
Question 4: I am going to do a Family BOC with mine when we start Module 1 in January. A lot of people have suggested to add extra pages of “centuries” to the modern times since there are more events, books, people to record.
Okay. Take what you want and toss the rest into the compost pile.
1. Why does SCM not do World History along with American History like so many other Charlotte Mason followers?
We do cover world history events at the same time as American history in modules 5 and 6.
Or maybe you’re wondering why we don’t study American history right from the beginning in module 1? Here are my thoughts on that topic.
Charlotte taught English history alongside ancient and world history. She could do that and still stay in a chronological sequence because England’s history goes back to the ancients. The Britons are tied to pre-Roman era. However, America is a much younger country. It didn’t come on the scene until much later. In order to stay in chronological sequence, we need to start with the ancient and Biblical history and study American history where it fits many hundreds of years later.
Thank you! 🙂 And it does make perfect sense to me now. I had never thought of it that way, and had honestly not been able to figure out how or why American history would be taught every year of the rotation….Now I get it 🙂
So now my next question is, where do I go from here? We did Module 1 last year, and then skipped to Module 5 (my children requested to learn more about “Geroge Washington, and people like that”.) I should have just continued the rotation and just picked up some books at the library about people in American history that my children were interested in learning about, but it’s too late now……We are 8 weeks into American history. My kids are in the 2nd and 3rd grades this year, so do I just start over again next year with Module 2?
That’s up to you, dear. It seems like it would be easiest to either continue on to Module 6 or go back and pick up at Module 2.
Another thought just came to mind: Don’t feel locked into starting the modules at the beginning of a school year. You can start any time during the year. So if your children (and/or you) are done with “George Washington and people like that” in the middle of this year or at the end of term 1, that’s fine (even if you haven’t read all the module 5 books). You can start in with Module 2 then if you want to. Just an idea.
Above all, don’t feel panicked like you have to make this decision today. Pray about it. Take your time and ask for God’s clear direction. That way you won’t be second-guessing the decision later. (Speaking from experience! )
Hmmmm……I was in the middle of scheduling all the books for Module 5 history and then read this. Very interesting idea……I will pray and think about it some more ;).
I have a question for Sonya, as well. What could you suggest for an end of the year 5th grader who has had a hodge-podge of history, and has a br. going into 2nd grade next year. I plan on going through the summer break with some reading, of course, and it could involve one of these modules. And, is there a handbook for Modules 5/6 like the others? I could use some clarification.
Okay, I just asked the boys and they’re interest is Early Modern Times. I guess I’m going with that. But, still wondering if they is a handbook we’re suppose to have or do we just follow what is mapped out on the curriculum guide? We already have the BOC and other supplies. Thanks in advance for your help:)
Just wanted to let you know what I ended up doing and have been happy with….We read the books listed in Module 5 this year with out any sort of “spine” or guide book. It worked out fine for us. I plan to do the same thing next year with module 6 books and I also found a used TruthQuest guide for the same time period that I will pull extra titles from on subjects that my kids are EXTRA interested in. I did not feel like I needed a spine since the books we read really seemed to pick up where the other left off or explain things really well so that we did not need any sort of introduction or commentary.
This year has really made me aware of how WONDERFUL it is to use living books to teach history and science! I do not want to do it any other way now. My children are still young (2nd and 3rd grades) so I do not feel that we need LOTS of technical details about things right now. But, I do plan to use the SCM guide books in the rotation later on for a more scheduled/organized study of each time period. But since we wanted to do modern history and there were no guides yet, this has worked just fine for us.
That sounds exactly like what I want to do. My oldest is 11 (headed into the 6th grade) and I will utilize the *For Older Kids* portion and maybe some little extra, but I feel like I finally have much needed focus.
Thank you for your input. And, you sound just like me. I absolutely love using living books for history and science. My oldest is super excited about using living books as the text instead of a textbook. His interest in reading has soared since we began this style of learning. Yeah, for us!
I just read the answer to my question regarding the Handbook for that time period. Thanks for having the answers right out in plain English, too bad I don’t read everything first:)
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