History Pockets

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  • Heather

    Do any of you use History Pockets?  What do you think of them?


    I have an Ancient History one. I don’t care for it and neither did my children 🙁


    We have used them in the past and rather enjoyed them! We used the Pilgrim set one year for a fun and quick Thanksgiving Study. We also have the Explorers and use bits and bobs here and there as we read about Explorers. Ie. we add the stuff to a regular notebook and not to pockets like the book explains.

    We’ve also got the ones for June I do believe it is because my son wanted to learn about Rain Forest animals and I’m all most certain that was the theme for that month. That’s the only one we “fizzled out” with, but the child who requested it is a mover and a shaker and at that time he was also quite young. 

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