Hello there! I am in the same situation. With prayer, my husband and I finally made a decision. Dd 6 will be in first grade with dd3 tagging along.
1. We will take 2 years to complete the American history portion of Module 5 and 6. If it takes more or less time, fine. No stressing. Your children are very young. (Saving world history for later grades).
If we want to learn more about a person or place from the SCM spine, Stories of America series, then I will refer to my TQ American History for Young Students series for more books to read.
2. Geography day will be the Holling series suggested in Module 5. Wonderful books! When we finish that, we will move on to Visits to North America (2nd grade?).
3. Bible will be OT readings straight from the bible substituting the Vos’ The Child’s Story Bible when necessary:
Link for OT: http://pennygardner.com/oldtest.html
Link for NT: http://pennygardner.com/newtest.html
We also do the Scripture Memory Box system for memorizing our verses. Works very well.
I do not buy a lot at a time for this age child. We buy a little, complete that, then order more once we are satisfied. Yes, I like to have it all ordered and at my house waiting for me, but that just overwhelms me so I buy bite sized pieces. Once dd3 is around 6, I suspect we will start back in Module 1 and go through the modules in order with both girls at the same time.
I ONLY worry about the upcoming year. I do not stress about how it will all play out in subsequent years. Do what is best and simple for your family for this one upcoming year only. At the end of the year, think about what changes you would like to make and then proceed again for the next year.
One year at a time. One day at a time! Keep it simple and do not overload yourself or your children. Have fun!!!! You can always add more later. Pray over your choices and rest in the knowledge that God’s plan for your family will be perfect. Do not compare yourself to other families.
I hope this helps and doesn’t confuse. Have a great day!