History planning options

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  • 4myboys

    Ok — I keep going back and forth here… I am trying to finalize my history plans.  Right now I have two main options for a 3 year rotation (which is what I really want to do).  1.  Double up and do two Mods per year, or 2. Do Biblioplan Ancients for the first year, then Mods 4-6 over a two year span (2 terms each).  I would have to add my own geography for the Biblioplan year.  

    Any opinions on which option would work better? Which would you do if it were you?



    Age/grade of your children?


    Sorry — older will be 12 in grade 6, younger (advanced learner) will be 8 in 3rd + (I hate using grades, especially for him.)


    I would pick which period you most want to do now and order the SCM module for that time period. It is only $10.95 to download it. Then try it out and see if it works for you to go more quickly.


    I would be doing 1 & 2.  And yes, I really do like the price.  Most of the books are not available through our library, though, so I will substitute what I can, and buy what I can’t.  My older ds is very interested in the ancient civilizations, and I’d prefer a couple of years before having to sort out the what’s and how’s for Canadian History.


    as a disclaimer I don’t know anything about Biblioplan, BUT the SCM Mod 1 I think could go very quickly, making 2 modules very doable. Personally, Egypt ended up being a little boring (though the Bible history of that time is cool). I think the Greeks are much more interesting. Again, only making that point to say that you could move through the modules pretty quickly without missing out on anything crucial. HTH! 🙂


    I haven’t looked at combining all the modules, but just for myself trying to figure out our own schedule I’ve decided that doing modules 1 & 2 in one year will definately be do-able. After that I’m not sure…

    I’ve look at Biblioplan several times and honestly, it’s the formating of everything that I can’t stand. I would never be able to use it simple because of the ‘look’ of it. I know that sounds bad, but SCM is just sooooo cleanly laid out in it’s daily lessons that it frees my mind to focus on the content and overall plan. It just feels so easy to follow and/or tweak as I need.


    I thought that just knowing I’m going to come back around in three years takes some pressure off — I won’t feel like I have to do it all now because there isn’t another opportunity to come back to it.  Also, while I don’t plan to school through the summer, I always have a read-aloud going with the boys, so I will probably take advantage of this by using a period novel or story we wouldn’t otherwise get to.  I’ve figured it out that we would have to do 6 Bible lessons per week, 2 History and 2 Geography.  I’ll know better how to line this up once I have a really good look through the guides.

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