History Plan Change – Advice Please?

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    Okay, so would I be a bad person (original sin aside 🙂 if I threw out Truthquest and went with Mystery of History this year?  I do like Truthquest, but I feel such a weight when I think of all the library trips, coordinating etc. and somehow I am stressing myself about this.  I thought maybe I’d just follow the layout in the Peter Marshall Books and use the guide’s commentary and add here and there if I wanted to with living books, but even that is stressing me out.  I love the idea of having someone else read to us and just enjoying the experience, maybe doing some history pockets alongside.  Is this a silly plan?  Do I just need to snap out of it?  Please help.



    If it is this stressful for you to even think of it, try something new!  It can’t hurt…

    Remember, “mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”!

    The kids will pick on your joy and enthusiasm (or lack thereof) no matter what program you use. Good for you for recognizing something that might stress your family and searching out an alternative. I think that is very brave and wise.

    You know what, most kids aren’t getting much history in ps anyway, so just the fact that you are doing something is pretty awesome. If you need a break from TQ, then do it! There is a season for everything :).



    definitely do something else if you’re going to be stressed with TQ!


    Wow, thank you for all of the encouragement ladies!  On top of that I was worried about purchasing MOH (curriculum funds were approved by hubby and pretty much spent already), and when my husband found out why I’ve been so stressed, he told me to go ahead and get what I need to make history a good experience for us.  Wow again!  This is totally unlike him (my make it work with what you’ve got guy), and total confirmation from the Lord as well.

    Thanks again!


    I’d love advice on TQ as well!  I just had my fourth baby two weeks ago (a little boy, Gabriel – he’s just a doll!), and I bought the TQ manual for my first grader.  I really want it to work, but am concerned with all the library trips as well.  Is there a way to do TQ with a spine and the commentary or is that not advisable?  If it is, which spine would you recommend?  (We are doing the AHYS 1).  I was also looking at Queen’s history books…but I already have the TQ manual…  I’d love to hear your thoughts!


    We have used MOH the last 2 years. We really like it. You can use what is there and not supplement at all. I do like that she includes book/DVD suggestions as well as enrichment activities, but I also like they are suggestions. Laughing We are not using MOH this year but mainly b/c they Vol. 3 cost goes up so much. The Vol. 1 and 2 are very reasonably priced for the material I think.

    Just wanted to let you know we really liked MOH and found it very easy to implement. It is very teacher-friendly and our boys learned a lot from it (and I did too!). I also like that it is chronological and she includes Bible history alongside the other.


    LDIMom: I’m not sure if you’ve purchased your history curriculum yet, but have you checked on http://www.homeschoolclassifieds.com for used MOH Vol3?  There are several for sale and very reasonably priced, I think.

    Tukata:  I wish I could help you more with your question but, since I’ve felt the same way as you, I don’t think I could give very good advice.  We used TQ last year for the first time and while it was good, I personally had a hard time keeping all of my kids on the same book at one time.  Ideally, I’d love to make TQ work, but I don’t think it will for our family, at least not right now anyway.  I intended to used a spine and the commentary which would work, but then I was feeling stressed thinking about trying to add in other books, and figure out what kinds of activities I could add in to supplement.  I think MOH will do all of this thinking for me and help me to ease up and enjoy history “with” them a bit more.

    Thanks again for the encouragement ladies!  I love this board!


    Tukata, I think a spine and the commentary would be fine for a first grader.  If you have books at home on the topics already that’ll be fine too, but IMO you don’t need to do a bunch for a first grader.

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