Can someone tell me which modules cover which aspects of history? I want to make sure I properly cover World History, American History, American Government/Politics, and our state History.
Thos are the main history subjects required for graduation. So I’m curious if i follow the curriculum guide to a T, will it affectively cover at least the American History, American Gov’t and World History. I was looking at it, but my mind is totally fried right now after organizing a bunch of stuff. So if I could just get a basic answer on whether these are effectively covered. I didn’t see anything in relation to politics.
And if I want to add our state history in a unit, what would be hte best way to go about studying that? We are in Texas..
We are in Texas too. I plan on doing Texas History in Module 6. It doesn’t neatly fall anywhere since it is at the end of 5 and beginning of 6, but I think Module 6 would be the most logical time to study it. Here is the Module overview for History.
I was under the impression there’s nothing required for home school graduation in Texas. Unless you are following the public school requirements just for own peace of mind. Maybe College Entrance requirements?
Cindie What are you thinking you’ll use for TX History? I’m thinking I just need to buy something preplanned for it cuz I am just not good at planning.
This is what we are looking at doing as of right now. That, of course, can change since it’s kind of far away. Her website doesn’t really do it justice. I’ve met the lady that wrote this program. She’s a member of our local homeschool group. Several families have used it and love it. I am looking forward to doing something like this when my girls are older, that’s why I am excited to do a 6 year history rotation as compared to a 4 year rotation. They will get much more out of it hitting it in 4th and 6th grade as compared to 2nd and 4th if we were to do a four year.
We live in Texas also and will be doing module 1 along with Mystery of history vol 1, and state history 1x a week. For state history, we will be covering all 50 states, each state taking 2 weeks (so 2 class times) to study except for our home state of Texas and we will take 6 – 8 weeks to study. We will be doing these in the order they became a part of the US and will take 2 years to complete all the states.
I don’t live in Texas, and ds is only in kindergarten, but I’m already compiling a booklist for our state for fourth grade. I would recommend you look at Sleeping Bear Press. They have a series of alphabet books for older students for each state. (I think Texas is L is for Lone Star). It’s a good “jumping off” place for topics to cover. The website also has free downloadable study guides for the books. Also check out Pelican Press. It’s heavy on Louisiana stuff, but it does have a few Texas titles.