History Module 5 Term I FINISHED!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating History Module 5 Term I FINISHED!

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    We love SCM history modules. I have said that a lot lately, but anyway we finished Term I this past week, and I shared on our blog about it. I thought some of you in the same module or you will be using it in the future might want to read our update.


    THANK YOU SCM for making my schooling easier and ENGAGING with 5 students from 1st grade up to 8th grade and one who is still learning English at 12. Can’t imagine how I’d find things for him to use for school that are challenging and yet doable w/out the SCM history module books suggestions.



    What exciting news!!! I’m happy for you. We just finished week 8 of module 4. We are loving it. The only things I’m struggling to include this year are fine arts and our French lessons. We are so caught up in the other subjects that we don’t seem to have time for the rest when trying to fit in our daily garden chores, etc. I’m hoping the next term will see more consistency with the “little extras.”

    I do have to say that this has been the most organized, easy, and enjoyable year we’ve had in years…and we’ve homeschooled since 1997! Thanks SCM!!!



    Yay!! I’m so happy for you.


    Thanks for posting this – I plan on starting this module with my kids after the first of the year. It is great to hear someone excited about the program all the way up to the end of their year!

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