History Module 4: Do I need the handbook if I am not using the spine?

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  • junkybird

    My ds8/3rd grade will be starting Module 4 this summer at the start of our school year. He will be 9 then. I read somewhere that Sonya doesn’t really recommend the “Famous Men” books, until possibly 7th grade. She said that all the extra books for the module would be plenty. So this means using all the other family books, plus the ones for 4th grade. And I would probably add in the ones for 1-3rd grade too. Has anybody else with a young one skipped the spines? He has done fine with the “famous men” books so far.

    If I am not using the spine, will it even be necessary to purchase the handbook? Since this module is different from the first three, with four days of history and only one combined day of geography/bible, how much would I actually use the handbook? Do the geography/bible days really need it?

    I want to be clear that I have the first three and have loved them. Would you purchase the handbook ? Is it necessary to get through this module, not using the spines at all? Also, I don’t know when, but it might have revisions before I need it next go around . . .

    Just thinking out loud. Any thoughts to help me out?

    Many thanks,



    If I was in that boat I would still want the guide.  The guide schedules out all the books read (and there seem to be many more in module 4 than the first 3), not just the spine, so even omitting that one book, I would still follow everything else in the guide to keep an orderly progression for all those great living books.  Just my 2 cents.  🙂


    Thought I sent a post but not seeing it. Anyway, I agree with eawerner:) The guides are so cheap and helpful I’d buy them just for Bible:) I’ve done the subjects covered in the guide with no formal plan, spending a lot of time typing my own plan, and it’s so worth it to me to buy the guide and just tweak a bit. Just my .02:)


    Many thanks. You all are probably right. I just need to go ahead and get the guide!

    SCM or Sonya, when will this one be revised?


    Sonya Shafer

    Great question, Jenn. I’m afraid at this point my answer has to be “I don’t know.” It is currently on my Someday list but not my In the Very Near Future list. 


    Thanks, Sonya, for responding! I will pick it up in three weeks at the Greenville convention. Can’t wait! Make sure to save one for me 😉



    It is helpful for a frame of reference when scheduling books (even if titles are deleted, or substituted.)

    If you are using the specific Geography spine, you’ll have plans for it’s use 1/week. The Bible plans are scheduled in the guide for the same day as geography, but if you plan to use other resources, or to study different books of the Bible, this wouldn’t be necessary.

    There is a nice Book of Centuries scattered throughout the guide on the sidebar. This would make it very valuable if you plan to keep any sort of timeline.

    Because I’ve found a rhythm with our books, geog/Bible studies based on planning similar to the guide, I don’t refer to it very often anymore. However, I’m not getting rid of it either. I’ll utilize all, or part of it when our youngest, now six, studies this time period in more depth later.




    I’m going to be buying the Handbook for Mod. 4 even though I’m not using the spines. I like it as a guide to make sure we’re where we need to be. Even without the spines, I’ll be glad I have it to know when to read the other books and where to be in the Bible. I have never taught this time period before and don’t remember studying it in school, so I am looking forward to having SCM “hold my hand”, so to speak. Wink

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