History-IS it ok to start with American History?

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  • Sarah

    This will be our first year using SCM history. In the past we have used Heart of Dakota which has taken us right up to the American Revolution. I would really like to continue American History and possibly start with the last module of history for my girls ages 5,6 and 8. Has anyone done this before? Started with mod. 6? 


    You can start where ever you want 🙂

    I started with year 5 and it was a good year. Then I thought I would go back to 1 and start fresh. It was a tougher year, I think it was me, I just struggled with ancients with the younger ages (my oldest was in 2nd grade). We are going to year 4 this coming year and then plan to continue to year 5 and then 6 before visiting ancients again.



    As most people with multiple kids doing the modules have a newly turned 6yo join in on whatever module the family is studying… it is common to have kids start in a variety of modules.

    So yes, start wherever you like


    We will be starting with mod 4 for dd year 1. That way when my ds starts we will be in year 1, and when younger dd starts we will be in year 4. I didn’t want ds to start mid ancients, and I thought this was the best arrangement for the ages of my 3


    Its not only OK, it is best to start wherever fits for your family. It sounds like American History is it for you!

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