History Guides/Reading Question/Time Spent

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  • Threekidsmom

    Hello, I’m wondering how long your students, specifically grades 7-9, are spending on the independent reading assignments in the history guides? Recently, I’ve been feeling like mine are taking too much time. For example, we are currently in Modern, I have 2 kids reading The Yanks Are Coming. One chapter is taking them a little over an hour to complete. So combined with Family Reading aloud and narration, they are spending approximately 2 hours each day on history, which seems like too much to me. Can anyone give me any thoughts on this? Maybe ideas for spreading the reading out w/o falling behind on lessons?


    Do you mean that one child reads a chapter independently and then the other reads the same chapter? Are they happy with that arrangement or do they feel like it’s taking too much time? Do you feel like it’s taking time away from other subjects or activities?

    Maybe you could allow them to read 1/2 chapter to each other. Sometimes, if I know my child is getting bogged down, I will read for maybe 15 minutes before handing the rest of the assignment over to them. I always read first because I don’t want to encourage dawdling (“Mom will come read to me so I can be pokey”).

    Those chapters are long and have a lot of information, so I understand how it could be taking quite awhile to get through them.



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