History – Genesis through Deuteronomy – More Needed?

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  • Julee Huy

    I am doing Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt for history and I have a few questions.

    Is this all you do or do you supplement? I am totally enjoying this, but I am beginning to wonder if we should be adding something so that we are learning about what is happening the rest of the world. In the past I have done Story of the World, History Odyssey, The Biblioplan and I know that all of these take on what else is happening at the same time. Are my kids missing out, will this come in the Egypt part and the next series which I believe is Joshua or how does this work exactly?

    What we are doing is working so I’m afraid to wreck it, but I’m wondering if I need to supplement.

    I’m not new to homeschooling, but I’m very new to CM so I have been posting a lot, you all are so helpfuL!


    I’m not new to homeschooling or CM, but new(er) to SCM. I’ve been trying to figure this one out, too. I’m going to Sonya’s workshop this weekend in GA to gain further insight and understanding in choosing books and things. I’ll try to post again asap when I return.

    I struggle with knowing how much is enough and generally end up doing too much 😕




    I just finished this with the boys and they really (at least for history) enjoyed it. The 2nd term they LOVED the books, now this term a bit more indepth again.

    Over all I like these and thank you Sonya again for the handbooks! I wouldn’t be doing this without your fore thought.


    Julee Huy

    I talked with my husband about it and his said that the idea was probably that if you jumped around talking about what is happening other places the kids will probably get confused and the idea is probably to give them a solid foundation in biblical history. That sounds like a logical explaination to to me and in it, we do study Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc. I think I’m going to trust the Lord, my husband and Sonya and keep at what we’re doing because my daughter and even I am learning SO MUCH. 🙂

    Sonya Shafer

    You’re right that the Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt module is the “lightest” work load of all the modules. But it is foundational. 🙂


    I am glad you asked this question. I’m new also and using the Gen-Deut book and was wondering the same thing. I feel better about it now, thanks. :o)

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