History encyclopedia

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  • christina

    I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on a good history encyclopedia? I am looking at both the Kingfisher, and the Usborne, but having trouble deciding. Or on another note, have you found a need for one???

    Thank you and blessings!


    We have Kingfisher’s…but we also have Usborne’s Internet Linked Ancient World and Medieval World.  We use them all, but you could probably get by with one or the other.  I’d go with KF.


    What era are you studying?  I like the choice that Sonya uses in her guide for Ancient history, Oxford First Ancient History  (have to skip the first few pages if you are young earth, as with most secular resources). I thought it was a nice, narrative resource. For other eras I like the World Book cd-rom as it has lots of interactive things. I have the Usborne one but don’t ever use it.


    At the moment, we are doing 1800’s, finishing pioneer and moving into Victorian.

    Thank you for the input!

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