History dilemma – What would you do?

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    I am embarassed to share the “history” of my 3rd grade dd’s history, but if I don’t you won’t be able to give me accurate advice.  I’ve posted before about the SCM modules and where to start, etc. but looking ahead to next year…what would you do? 

    My dd started out doing Christian Liberty Press in 1st grade.  We made it up to something like the reformation when 2nd semester came and I enrolled her in the online charter school.  It was a mistake, I know, but we were going through some serious family issues and I thought it would be easier at the time to have someone else tell me what to do and make sure my dd was on level.  That semester they had us studying ancient Egypt.  After repenting, EmbarassedI started her with HOD for 2nd grade.  It was kind of a shallow history begining with Columbus and if I remember correctly we ended with George Washington/Ben Franklin era.  We did 1st Semester 3rd grade with HOD and covered a bit more deeply Columbus – Revolutionary war time frame again, but I dropped it mid-year and began Truthquest second semester.  We are now up to Pocahontas, enjoying Truthquest, but my dd is reading it independently.  She is an extremely visual learner and “zones out” if I read history to her.  I say that to make the poing that my youngers (Pre-K and K) are not getting any of this history because I am not reading it aloud…which brings me to my point of confusion.  Would you recommend I continue on with Truthquest next year or would it be better to start at the beginning with SCM Module 1 since I’ll be adding in a 1st grader?

    Sorry this was so long.  Here is the nutshell:

    1st grade semester 1: Covered Genesis to Reformation – Very Brief/ Shallow

    1st Grade semester 2: Online Charter School, Ancient Egypt

    2nd Grade semester 1 & 2: Columbus to Washington/ Franklin – Very Shallow

    3rd Grade semester 1: Columbus to Revolutionary War period

    3rd Grade semester 2: TQ Vikings through Pocahontas


    Why not continue on for her and do something different for your pk/k? Or you could read some of the TQ (starting at where she is) aloud for the little ones and have her do her own. Or even have her read some of the books aloud to the little ones.

    Just some quick thoughts as we are on our way out.



    Well, first off, don’t be upset becaus your daughters history has been all over the “map”.  Although chronilogical is best, she will have learned things, and doing things chronilogical now will be fine.

    The main question is where to start, and which resources.

    So – for which resources… did you want to move to SCM modules?  Or did you want to stay with TQ?  (Or something else?)   I’m not as familiar with TQ, but is it done as a family?

    If you want to do the SCM modules, I would do it as a family… Does your daughter read smoothly enough to read the spine outloud?  That is one option for the “spine”…    Or maybe, like some children, she listens better to an oral reading if she is doing something like colouring (a related page) or drawing (the story)?  And then there are readings she would do on her own…

    As for where to start… it probably doesn’t really matter too much as long as you continue afterwards chronologically as much as possible…   I’m not too familiar with the U.S. history as for the years that things match up… (I’m Canadian) – but I suspect that you are probably about up to Module 6?  And if so, the new spines and guides aren’t out yet…    And it looks like you have covered the time that I think Module 5 covers for a couple of years now….  so as (the new) Module 6 isn’t ready yet, I’d pick one of the first 4.

    Because she already did ancient Egypt (which is module 1) – I’d be tempted to start with Module 2.

    But really, the main thing I want to say is…. It doesn’t matter.  Chose something, start from there, and continue on.


    And if it makes you feel better… my son is finishing “grade 2″…  

    In year 1, we started with one program that was from the time of Abraham, with Ancient Egypt 1x a week, along with 50 famous stories (which jumps all over, although we did it chronologically) and then viking tales.    We found the Ancient Egypt was going over his head so I dropped that, and then the book about Abraham was dropped too…  and we only read about 1/2 of viking tales.

    This year we did the parts of AO Year 1 that we had missed, plus adding in some Canadian History … so did British History from pre-romans to I’m not sure where we are… about the 1200’s?  and finished Viking Tales (but did that before we were at the 1000’s), plus read Canadian History up to maybe the 16 or 1700’s….    so thus far he has had a mix and mash of history too.

    Next year we are doing our own History plan using A Child’s History of the World (plus readings…) – and I think we will start at the beginning again….   but now I have my rotation years planned out.  Just haven’t 100% decided where we will start.



    Thank you so much for taking the time to respond!  I think I feel pretty comfortable starting with Module 1 now in Fall.  Suzukimom, she did do 1 semester of Ancient Egypt a couple of years ago, but that was with the online PS and I would like to get more deeply into it with tying in scripture. 

    As far as the course goes, I guess you read aloud the family time and younger child selections and then let the older read on her own?  That seems better than what we are doing now, with her just reading by herself.  TQ is pretty awesome, but I feel like as it is with my children’s ages, I’d be leaving the youngers out if I continue next year.  Plus I think I really like having the Geography tie in.  Geography seems to keep getting left out no matter how much I try now. 

    Now what to do about the Ancient Egypt book that everyone is searching for…???

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